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I honestly was fascinated by the poll results! Charlotte Thompson won as having the biggest shift in perspective about her birthday after having a partner, by far.

In all honesty, I personally would have voted for either Gianna or Mia, because neither of them really have... anyone who cares about them to celebrate their birthday, prior to meeting Riley/Ellie (respectively), and they both felt very, very lonely. Charlotte was, indeed, all about work and did not have a rich social life, but she didn't really feel lonely. Rather, she didn't realize that was what she felt.

Alas! You voted, and so here is the expansion on the results - Charlotte Thompson's birthdays through the years:

Charlotte's 10th birthday - a party largely arranged by her nanny, there is a large party hosted at the Thompson estate. All of the kids in Charlotte's class are invited, the food is prepared by the family chef. Charlotte's parents are away on business, and are not in attendance. Her brother, William, gifts her a book series, which is her favorite present. She's lonely.

Charlotte's 16th birthday - She feels no need to "celebrate" or do anything special. At her home, there is no one other than the chef and the maids. Though her grandmother does call her early and wish her a happy birthday, she is not in the country, as she is the president at this time. She is still a little lonely, but those feelings are starting to get walled off. She's starting to come to a place of "this is just life."

Charlotte's 26th birthday - She honestly forgot that it was her birthday, until Dean brings her a slice of cake at her desk. She does nothing special, other than go out to dinner at Dean + Caleb's insistence. It's... just any other day, really.

Charlotte's 30th birthday - She wakes up to Sutton stroking her hair and giving her sweet, soft kisses, and that's when she remembers that Sutton has just moved in. When she wakes up, Sutton whispers a happy birthday before proceeding to go down on Charlotte until she comes - twice. Even though she does go to work for most of the day, she's excited about going home, which she always is now. Because Sutton's there. And, indeed, when she arrives, Sutton has made dinner, gathered multiple gifts that are artfully arranged, and has invited over her grandmother, Caleb, Dean, Regan, and Emma for a little gathering. Charlotte finally understands that this is why these life events are important to people. That... she did feel lonely, in the past, but she never recognized it for what it was.

Charlotte's 40th birthday - She's woken up by both of her daughters launching themselves into their bed and shouting happy birthdays. She and Sutton were prepared for this, and put on pajamas after having birthday sex before they fell asleep. When she wakes up and has pancakes for breakfast with her family, she can't imagine what it used to be like, living a life without people who make you feel special just by being alive.



I would have picked Ellie but she wasn’t a choice. Bet deep down she thought she’d never find anyone.


As a mother myself, the little detail of Charlotte and Sutton getting dressed into their pj's is real life right there. So relatable!