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Hi all,

[UPDATE 04 March 2024]: Reworked and updated.

Just to let everyone know, posting of book 7 chapters will begin on Monday, 4th March. In the meantime, please see some of the drawings / sketches I've put together in preparation for the next book...



mark janson

❤️ If you repopulate a dungeon with your own creatures, do you have to repopulate it with creatures that are the same level as the dungeon for it to work?

Harley Dalton Jr.

I interested in getting more details about expelling players and what that means exactly.


not necessarily the same level, but the dungeon tier must remain the same, i.e. you can't repopulate a tier 1 dungeon (meant for players level 50 and below) with elites.


I just binged your books all six in about a week and a half..via KU 😋 I love this genre