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The council meeting drew to a close soon after that.

Despite Gamil, Regus, and Lorn’s insistent questions, I refused to share any details of my plans. It was not that I distrusted them, but I was wary of making promises I was unable to keep. But I had meant what I’d said. When I was done, the possessed would be no more.

Stepping out of the council hall, I found two groups awaiting me. Ghost and Nyra were on one side. On the other was Algar and three officers, all of whom looked vaguely familiar.

“Done already?” I asked Nyra, ignoring the soldiers for the time being.

“Yeah,” she replied with a self-satisfied grin. “We got everything you wanted and more.” Her gaze drifted to the bald man beside me, and her face paled. “Is that…? Is he a possessed?”

“I am,” Regus replied amiably. “And who are you?” Not waiting for Nyra’s response, he knelt before the pyre wolf. “You must be Ghost. Adriel told me all about you, but her words did not do you justice. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young wolf.”

“Now that’s a proper greeting,” Ghost told me as she and Regus shook paw-to-hand.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I replied blandly. “Did everything go well?”

Ghost gave a mental shrug. “As well as can be expected.”

I turned to Regus. “Nyra is my apprentice,” I said.

The possessed looked up at me curiously. “Your apprentice? Why would you—” He broke off and, shooting back to his feet, studied Nyra intently.

“Yes,” I replied in response to the dawning suspicion on his face, “Nyra is a player.”

“She’s from New Haven?” Regus asked sharply.

I nodded, keenly observing his reaction.

“Ancients,” he muttered. “A player from New Haven. That’s the last thing we need right now.” He glanced at me. “You know what that means?”

“I do. The possessed are going to want to claim her body.”

“What?” Nyra squeaked.

“That’s right,” he agreed, ignoring the young woman. “Some are going to be baying for her blood. You better keep her hidden away until all this settles down.”

I shook my head. “I can’t do that, I’m afraid. Nyra will be accompanying you back to the court.”

“What!” Regus and Nyra exclaimed simultaneously.

Ignoring their outbursts, I went on. “There’s been a change of plans,” I told my apprentice. “The council has brought to light matters I can’t ignore. Regus will fill you in on the details later. But the short of it is that I have to accelerate my own plans.” I grimaced. “The truth is I will travel faster without you, which is why I’m leaving you behind with Regus. Don’t worry, though. I will rejoin you soon.”

“B-but… but will I be safe with them?” Nyra asked hoarsely, her gaze darting fearfully to Regus again.

“You will,” I replied firmly. “I’m placing you in Regus’ care. He will personally see to your protection.”

The possessed blanched.

“Ghost will also be with you,” I added, not looking at the pyre wolf. She wouldn’t like being left behind any more than Nyra did.

“No, Prime!” Ghost cried, protesting just as I expected her to. “I should accompany you!”

“Not this time,” I replied adamantly. “Nyra is Pack, and we both have a duty to see her safe. She is right to fear the possessed. They are dangerous. Which is why you must escort her.”

“But what about Regus?”

“I trust Regus, but he is still a possessed—and not Pack.” I paused. “I don’t expect to be gone long. I should rejoin you about a day after you reach the court. Perhaps two if things with Draven take longer.”

By my estimate, I could make the journey from New Haven to the guardian in about twenty hours, perhaps less, especially if I ran the entire way—something I could do with my high stamina pool.

Nyra couldn’t. Even with the help of her focus skill, I expected she would have to frequently stop to rest. The same would also apply to the second leg of the journey, from the guardian to the court.

And after Regus’ news, I felt a new urgency grip me.

The possessed hadn’t come out and said it, but I got the feeling that matters teetered on a knife’s edge in the court. And I couldn’t afford for things to tip over the wrong way.

Seeming to sense the direction of my thoughts, Ghost bowed her head. “I’ll do as you ask, Prime.”

“Thank you,” I murmured.

Looking outward again, I found Nyra staring numbly at me. “You will be okay,” I said gently. “Besides Ghost and Regus, you will also have Captain Algar to turn to. Will you do as I ask?”

She nodded mutely.

I glanced at Regus. “And you?”

He sighed heavily. “I will, but you don’t make things easy, do you, Michael?”

✵ ✵ ✵

I spent a few more moments relaying my instructions to the trio and then watched them depart, Regus to ready his men and Nyra and Ghost to gather our supplies.

I hoped I’d done the right thing sending the pair with Regus, but truly, the risk was minimal. At worst, they would lose a life each, and if that happened, they had strict orders not to leave the safe zone until I got there.

On the other hand, if I arrived at the court too late, the consequences could be catastrophic. It would be no small thing to tackle a thousand-odd possessed in full rebellion, even with Farren and Adriel’s help.

“I hear we’re leaving.”

Turning around, I found Algar and the three officers had walked up to join me. “And I hear you’re my new commander,” I said in rejoinder to the captain.

A smile crossed Algar’s face, but it was fleeting only. The captain looked too beset by worries for it to last. “Only if you wish me to remain so,” he murmured. “Before we go any further, some introductions are in order.” He gestured the first officer forward, a familiar-looking dwarf covered in gleaming plate armor from the neck down. “This is Captain Megtir. He commands the dwarven contingent.”

I shook the dwarf’s mailed hand. “Megtir, I remember you from the prison.”

“Aye, aye, milord. You have my everlasting loyalty for getting us out of that hellhole.”

“Call me Michael,” I murmured.

The dwarf nodded jerkily and stepped back, his armor clanking.

“Captain Zorgulg,” Algar said, introducing the slim orc in studded leather armor. He had a javelin sheathed on his back, a sword at his hip, and a dozen more daggers all about his person. “He leads the skirmishers.”

The orc was another familiar face. “Zorgulg,” I began, only to stop as I mangled his name.

Zorgulg grinned, revealing sharpened teeth. “Call me Zorg.”

I inclined my head. “Zorg, then. You were in the prison, too.” The captain was the one who’d escaped the torture chamber only to return a little later with the dwarves in tow.

He chuckled. “That was a night to remember.”

I nodded. “I have been meaning to ask: how did you manage to free yourself?” I glanced at Megtir. “And the dwarves.”

Zorgulg pulled out a slender piece of metal from a tiny pocket sewn on the inside of his sleeve. “With this,” he said. “I always have one on hand.”

“Impressive,” I said, studying the lockpick. “I have a feeling we’ll have a lot to discuss in the coming days.”

Laughing, the orc stepped back to give way to the dark elf.

“And this,” Algar said, “is Sergeant Everard—excuse me, Captain Everard, newly promoted despite his protests to command your archers. You’ve met already, of course.”

Saying nothing, the master archer stuck out his hand, and I shook it just as wordlessly.

Algar rolled his eyes at the silent exchange before going on, “And I am in charge of the cavalry.”

“Thank you, Algar,” I said. “I’m sure we will have more time to get to know each other in the coming days, but right now, we’re pressed for time.”

“It’s true then,” Algar muttered, his worry resurfacing. “We march tomorrow?”

“Tonight, if you can help it,” I said gravely.

He threw me an incredulous look. “But—”

Forestalling him, I relayed Regus’ news.

Algar exhaled heavily when I was done. The other three officers had listened just as intently, but none had commented.

“I guess this is going to be a bit rushed then,” Algar said.

I tilted my head to the side. “What is?”

“The introductions to the rest of your officers.” He paused. “And our oath-taking.”

I waved my hand, dismissing his words. “None of that is necessary right now. We’ll take care of it once all of this is over.”

Algar shook his head stubbornly. “The ceremony is important.” His gaze flitted to the three silent officers. “Both for the men and you.”

“A ceremony?” I asked, staring at Algar. “Really?”

But there was no give in the captain’s expression. “It will only take an hour.”

I winced. An entire hour. I’d been hoping to leave immediately. I sighed. “Very well, lead on.”


Harley Dalton Jr.

This chapter confuses me. It appears that Algar and his men will be with Nyra up until they set up their blockade in the tunnel. It also appears Regus will not in fact be blockading the tunnel as the previous chapter said. Did I get that right?


Well, Regus is going to be guarding the tunnels along with Algar, Nyra and Ghost as far as I understood…