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Not unexpectedly, I failed to charm Castor, but it was not him I had intended on bewitching anyway.

“Attack,” I barked, tugging on the mental leash I’d wrapped around the minds of the warrior and two scouts. Lorn and Stormhammer, I gave an altogether different command. “Flee,” I instructed the moment their chains fell free from the warrior’s hands.

My five enthralled subjects burst into motion. In the meantime, I kept casting.

You have cast piercing strike, doubling the damage dealt on the next attack. You have cast whirlwind, increasing your attack speed by 100% for 3 seconds.

Drawing their weapons, the warrior and two scouts rushed toward Castor while the prisoners bolted out the north entrance. Castor didn’t immediately notice—not until three steel blades clanged against his spelled defenses.

Your minions have failed to injure Castor. The target’s shield has blocked their attacks.

“What are you imbeciles doing?” the elite roared, spinning around to glare at the other three possessed.

The three, of course, remained mute. Thrusting his javelin forward, the warrior prodded at the elite’s shield again.

“Stop that, you—” Castor began, then broke off.

He’d noticed the fleeing councilors, I suspected—which was my cue to enter the fray. Drawing psi, I shadow blinked.

You have teleported into Castor’s shadow.

I emerged from the aether, cloaked in shadow and within striking distance of my target. Lunging forward, I struck simultaneously with ebonheart and faithful.

You have backstabbed Castor for 5x more damage! Piercing strike deactivated. You have backstabbed Castor for 2.5x more damage!

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

A hostile entity has detected you! You are no longer hidden.

My blades struck the magic dome surrounding the elite with the force of twin sledgehammers, but for all that, they barely seemed to dim its glow. Still, I succeeded in my intent—drawing Castor’s attention away from the two fleeing figures.

“You will die!” he barked as he turned to face me. Flinging his arms upwards—and not toward me as I half-expected—Castor barked a single, guttural command. Suspecting nothing good would come from the elite’s spell, I threw myself backward.

Unnecessarily, it turned out.

It was not an attack that launched from Castor’s hands but a casting of an altogether different kind.

Castor has cast Light’s Wrath.

The ceiling above the elite rippled as if it were a carpet. A hole formed, not to the prison level above, but to somewhere other, a place filled with Light—Light so thick and dense it manifested as roiling banks of clouds. The hole—a tear in reality, really—expanded rapidly until the entire hall was bathed in its harsh, yellow glare.

Then, the Light began condensing.

A level 208 Archon of Light has answered your foe’s call!

I cursed softly, realizing what Castor was about. He was summoning a supernatural creature, one that was an elite in its own right.

One elite I could face, two I wasn’t so sure.

Time to reevaluate, I decided. Racing to the far end of the room, I spared a moment to glance over my shoulder and check the north entrance. There was no sight of Lorn and Stormhammer. One good thing had come from my assault on Castor, at least.

The pair would keep running, right up until they regained control of their minds, and perhaps even then, they wouldn’t stop. I’d done what I could to keep them safe. Their fates were now in their hands.

Ducking beneath a table, I turned back to face Castor. He was still lost in his casting with his arms spread and his gaze fixed upward. But it was the portal of Light that drew my attention.

It had contracted sharply, returning the hall to much of its former gloominess. From within, a figure descended.

A pair of feet appeared—cat-like, taloned, and with golden fur that yet retained the Light’s luminescent cast. More of the summoned entity emerged. Two muscled thighs, a sculptured torso, clawed hands, and finally, a maned and squashed face reminiscent of a lion.

So that’s an Archon of Light, I thought, staring at the lion-man. The creature’s glowing eyes pulsed in time with Castor’s, hinting at the summoner’s bond with his pet.

Finished with his casting, Castor turned to survey the hall. Not seeing me, he gestured at the three possessed. “Get rid of these!” he ordered irritably.

The archon swung to face my minions. All this time, they had kept up their relentless bashing at Castor’s shield, and even now, they did not turn to face the lion-man looming over them. The archon, easily twice the height of even the warrior, came to a halt behind the scouts.

One massive paw rose, then fell.

Your minion has died.

The lion-man’s clawed hand tore through Amber, burning through her leather armor with frightening ease and rendering the flesh from her bones. Watching from the shadows, my eyes narrowed. The blow had not been purely physical. There had been an element of light damage accompanying it.

The archon struck again, claiming Macklin’s life as easily as he had Amber’s.

“Should we not help them?” Ghost asked.

I shook my head. “No. As harsh as it sounds, it serves us better if they die. Let Castor kill them off. He’ll have to face us alone then.”

The archon advanced on the last possessed. Sweeping both his arms downward, the lion-man clapped his hands together against the side of the warrior’s head with a resounding smack.

It split as easily as a melon.

I winced. Damn, that thing is strong.

Not a flicker of remorse graced Castor’s face. Swinging around, he addressed the seemingly empty room. “You see that, Taim?” he sneered. “That’s the death that awaits you. Now, will you keep lurking in the shadows, or will you show your face?”

I said nothing.

“Your ploy with the councilors was clever. What was that ability you used? Some sort of charm spell?” Turning about, he paced the length of the room, the archon following silently in his wake. “It seems I underestimated you. You’re more than a simple thief.” Spinning on his heel, Castor swept his gaze over the room.

A hostile entity has failed to detect you!

“But your parlor tricks will not save you,” he continued. “Your traps will not save you. Did you think I forgot about them?” Raising his arm, Castor pointed at the center of the room—and the trapped area identified by Macklin and Amber.

Forked tongues of lightning, so bright I had to shield my eyes, arced across the hall from the elite’s hands to the spot in question.

Castor has triggered a trap!

Castor has triggered a trap!

The twenty traps I’d laid in the center of the hall activated simultaneously. Poison clouds mushroomed. Bombs exploded. Lightning struck.

All without effect. Castor was too far away to feel their fury.

“Oh, what a lovely light show,” the elite snickered. “Primitive, though. Did you really think you could defeat me with such simple devices?”

“They worked well enough against Loskin,” I said, again using ventro to project my words so they emerged from the south corridor.

“You lie!” Castor said, whirling to face me—or the direction he thought me to be. “That was the hellspawn’s doing!” He meant Adriel. “A worm like you could never expect to defeat the archlich.”

Lowering his right arm behind his back, Castor discreetly waved his hand, a silent signal—and what should’ve been an unseen one, too—for the archon to advance into the corridor.

Safe on Castor’s right flank, I smiled. He’d taken the bait. Perhaps, I could still salvage some part of my plan. “Get ready to manifest,” I murmured to Ghost.

“Just say the word, Prime,” she replied, her voice dripping with eagerness.

“Who told you?” I asked, playing for time. “Avery?” It couldn’t be Avery, though. The last I’d seen him he was dead in Regus’ house, and I was sure Farren would never have resurrected him.

“Who told me doesn’t matter,” Castor said scornfully.

The archon passed through the hall’s southern entrance, and I tensed, getting ready. “Now, Ghost. It’s time. Come out.”

“What matters is that I know you for what you are,” Castor ranted. “A sniveling, conniving worm, incapable of facing a true opponent. When I’m done with—”

An archon has triggered a trap!

I grinned broadly as Castor’s creature unwittingly walked into the real ambush. The traps I’d set in the great hall had been a decoy and only large enough to convince my foe of their authenticity.

In the south corridor, all forty or so trap elements activated near simultaneously, raining down an avalanche of destruction on the hapless archon. I’d been hoping to use the traps on Castor himself, of course, but the elite creature would do just as well.

An archon has died.

My gaze flickered back to Castor. The possessed was standing with his mouth agape, staring at the south entrance. For once, he’d been rendered speechless.

Ghost has taken the form of a level 202 stygian pyre wolf.

Glancing to my right, I exchanged nods with my familiar. We were ready. Rising to my feet, I shadow blinked.

It was time to put an end to Castor.

✵ ✵ ✵

You have teleported into Castor’s shadow.

Emerging from the aether on Castor’s left flank, I repeated my previous maneuver, striking at him first with ebonheart, then faithful.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

My attacks were no more successful than they had been the first time around. This time, though, I did not break off. Empowering my blades with stamina, I dug in and kept bashing away at the elite.

You have cast whirlwind and piercing strike.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

A snarl of outrage on his face, Castor swung to face me. I didn’t let my eyes wander, but through the familiar bond, I sensed Ghost begin her charge. The elite had placed his back to her and wouldn’t see her coming until too late. All I had to do was hold his attention until then.

Castor raised his arms.

I steeled myself for the expectant attack but didn’t slow the tempo of my own assault. How long would it take to burn through Castor’s shield? Too long if the brightness of the dome around him was any indication.

Electricity sparked in the elite’s hands.

Castor has cast seeking storm.

I dodged left.

The maneuver was perfectly timed, but it didn’t matter—the lightning followed me, arcing from Castor’s hands to my chest.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt.

Your void armor has reduced the elemental damage incurred by 45%. You have passed a magical resistance check! Castor has failed to stun you!

Void armor charge remaining: 92%.

I flew backward with the force of the blow but, thankfully, was not rendered immobile. Castor’s brows drew down. “Why aren’t you dead?” he demanded. “Or stunned?”

Deigning to reply, I rose smoothly back to my feet and charged him anew.

Unfortunately, my attack perturbed the elite not at all. Shooing me away, like I was some sort of fly, he unleashed a second lightning bolt.

I ducked beneath the projectile.

But once again it didn’t matter. The jagged bolt still found me.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt.

You have failed a magical resistance check! Castor has stunned you. Duration: 3 seconds.

Void armor charge remaining: 84%.

I fell face forward, my cheek smacking the ground. Electricity surged through me, setting my teeth chattering and my limbs trembling. I couldn’t move, but I could still see—and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Ghost.

The pyre wolf was crouched down on her haunches, ready to leap onto an unsuspecting Castor.

“No,” I rasped.

Ghost stilled, her burning gaze flickering towards me. “Why?”

“Must… wait,” I replied, not having the energy to explain further. If Ghost attacked Castor alone, he would only disable her the way he had me.

Unaware of the threat at his rear, the elite strolled toward me, electricity still sparking in his hands.

His booted feet came to a stop inches from my face. “Look at you,” he scorned. “Pathetic.”

Give me another second, then we’ll see who is—

A third bolt tore through me.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt. Castor has stunned you.

Void armor charge remaining: 76%.

Castor chuckled. “I like you this way, I think. Something about this position…” He laughed again. “I don’t know. It just suits you, don’t you think?”

“Prime,” Ghost growled. “Let me attack!”


Castor squatted down. “I was going to kill you quickly, you know,” he said lightly, “but now I think I will make you grovel first.”

I still couldn’t move, but I did my best to glare back at the elite with as much venom as I could muster.

“Ah, I see you still have some fight in you. But don’t worry, that won’t last.” Reaching out, Castor let the palm of his hand hover above my face.

Knowing what was coming, I tensed.

It made no difference, though, as the bolt dove down into me at point blank range.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt. Castor has stunned you.

Void armor charge remaining: 68%.

Void thief triggered!

You have acquired the channeled spell seeking storm (stolen), from the possessed, Castor, and will retain memory of it for the next 12 hours. Seeking storm (stolen) is a tier 5 spell that allows you to unleash 10 lightning bolts at your chosen target. The projectiles can be released all at once or individually and can in no way be evaded or dodged.

Void siphon and negate activated!

If I wasn’t stunned, I would’ve laughed. Castor had just made me immune to his spell, and he didn’t even know it!

The elite frowned, perhaps seeing something in my gaze. “Find that funny, do you?” he growled.

“Get ready, Ghost,” I whispered. “When I move, you do too.”

“Well, you will learn, I promise,” Castor continued as he rose to his feet. Pointing downward with both hands, the elite fired another round of bolts.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt.

You have been hit by a lightning bolt.

The projectiles passed harmlessly through me, neither harming nor stunning me further. Castor didn’t know that though.

“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” he mocked. “When I’m done…”

I tuned him out.

The elite’s rants no longer mattered. Turning my focus inwards, I listened attentively to my body instead, waiting for the previous stuns to wear off. Any moment now…

You are no longer stunned.

“Now!” I yelled. Closing my hands around the hilt of my blades, I surged upward. At the same time, Ghost bounded forward.

Castor’s eyes rounded with shock. “How did you—”

I didn’t let him finish. My swords flying faster than thought, I pounded on him.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

My attacks didn’t get through, of course. Castor’s defenses were far from crippled, but the momentum of the battle had shifted, and the elite was on the back foot. Now, I only had to make sure he stayed that way.

Weaving psi and stamina, I kicked up the speed of my attacks a notch.

You have cast windborne, whirlwind and piercing strike.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

Your target’s shield has…

Looking somewhat bewildered, the elite raised his hands, but before he could unleash whatever spell he prepared, Ghost bowled into him.

Your familiar has knocked down Castor.

The elite flew forward, thrown off his feet by the force of Ghost’s assault. Having anticipated the attack, I neatly sidestepped as Castor’s shield bubble rolled past.

Then, I pounced.

As did Ghost. Working in tandem, we rained down blows on the elite lying face down on the ground.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

Your target’s shield has blocked your attacks.

Your target’s shield has…

It took longer than it should have for Castor to flip himself around and face us, and even then, he still appeared to be in a state of shock. Raising a hesitant hand, he unleashed a spell at me.

Castor has failed to harm you. You are immune to lightning bolts.

I didn’t even blink or slow my assault as the spell fizzled against me. Castor would have done better to target Ghost. But now it was too late.

Your target’s shield has been destroyed!

My lips twitched upward in a satisfied grin. I’d done it. The elite was done for. “Goodbye, Castor,” I whispered, and plunged ebonheart straight through his heart.

You have killed Castor with a fatal blow.



It's good to see Ghost be able to bowl mage with shield down with her Strength otherwise they would have been too overpowered with no weaknesses which I always found annoying.


Thanks for the chapter!