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Compliments of the season and happy new year everyone!

2024 is upon us, and all the best to you and yours. I'm back (obviously :P) and will be resuming the Grand Game story. You can expect regular updates on Patreon from hereon out. But first, some news.

A lot has happened in the last two months, sadly not all of it good. The biggest change and the one with the greatest impact is that Amelia will no longer be working on Empyrean's Flight. She has moved on to other ventures, and I wish her all the best. Unfortunately, it has left me in a bit of a predicament when it comes to Elana's story.

Empyrean's Flight is not yet ready for release and requires extensive rewriting and editing—all of which I will have to do myself. For this reason, I've pushed back its release date to 30 January. There is also the Haus Wolf,  the German version of book 4 scheduled to release on 01 February. At the same time, I also have to complete A Scion's Duty and have it ready for release on 01 March. So, as you can imagine, I have a busy start of the year ahead of me!

Beyond March, my schedule will ease up considerably. I plan on releasing at least one other book in 2024, and perhaps as many as 3 more—depending on how my writing progresses. I will, of course, keep everyone posted, but for now enjoy the upcoming chapters of the Grand Game.

Happy reading!



Jacob Mattingly

I look forward to this year's releases. Any news about God's Game 6 (The Divines Domain) Dragon Mage 3, or Seige of Wyvern Peak? Also, I was looking for a paperback version of Sovereigns Choice (book 5 God's Game) but couldn't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated. I have the rest of the series and grand game books all in print and ebooks. Hoping I can complete the set as they come out.