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Hi all,

A lot has been happening in the lull between between GG5 completion and GG6 start. Mostly, its  book admin stuff. But some important news too! :)

First off, the Grand Game 5 paperback is live on amazon. If you feel like leaving a review on the story, you can now do it through this link: here.

Next, Grand Game Books 1-3 are on sale at $0.99 here if you interested :).

Third, Amelia has done great work and finally got a Discord up and running for Grand Game. You can join it here: https://discord.gg/xkgaTB25pZ

And finally, I've restarted Dragon Mage on Royal Road. The chapters posting at the moment are still 'old,' i.e. from the DM2, but book 3 chapters will follow immediately thereafter. You can follow the story here 

Cheers, and happy reading!





Are there extra chapters on RR vs KU? Or does it break the chapters up differently? On KU, DM2 ended on chapter 75 with 370 days left till the Arkon shield fell. RR is up to chapter 81 and still some chapters to go.


Awesome, I'm looking forward to the new chapters with Dragon Mage.


RR book 2 chapters dont start from 1 :) the chapter numbers continue from where book 1 left off. For the KU/Amazon release, I kept the traditional numbering scheme and restarted at chapter 1.


I know I'm late to the game but is God's Game going to have more on audible?