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Hi everyone!

I am excited to announce that I am going to start sharing some sketches that are inspired by events, characters, items, sectors, and more in the Grand Game series. The first, here, is a map of the dungeon Michael explored in Book 1.

I have more sketches to share from Book 1, and I am hoping to continue sharing sketches inspired by the entire series. Looking forward to seeing what you all think! 




It's nice to see that you are excited enough by your writing to the point where you are playing with extras. Dungeon map is nice one enough that you nah consider putting it in Amazon release

Joshua Wiebelhaus

I thought there was a labyrinth? Or did you just not include that in the concept art?


Would be awesome to see 12,560 and Nexus mapped out.


I am hoping to continue making maps across the series, so keep an eye out for more :)


The goblin complex and prison are just shown as a single block on this map, its too much of detail to show, and most of the passages aren't explored in the book anyway.