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You have passed a thieving skill check!

You have removed 4 trap-making crystals from your trapper’s wristband. Remaining trap-making crystals: 128 of 200.

Elron and I drew to a stop as we reached the doors to the council chamber. In my closed fist, I held four crystals. I’d been tempted to trap the corridor but had decided against it. Even in my present circumstances, I couldn’t afford to waste my traps, and I suspected the council chamber was where most of the action would take place anyway.

“Tell the thane we’ve arrived,” Elron said, addressing the two guards outside the doors. One of them slipped into the room—closing the door behind him—and the marshal turned to me. “Here is where I leave you.”

I was not surprised. More and more, I was becoming convinced that Elron did not want to be party to whatever his superiors planned. “Thank you,” I replied, leaving unsaid exactly what I was thanking him for.

The marshal swung around, walking away without a backward glance.

I watched him go for a moment, then turned back to find the remaining guard watching me intently. Striding up to him, I leaned casually against the closed doors. “If you don’t mind me asking, what do they do in there all day long?”

The guard’s brows crinkled. “The council, you mean?”

Nodding, I opened my right hand—hidden by my body—and placed it flat against the door.

You have activated a single-use enchantment. You have concealed an explosive trap element.

“Ruling stuff, I suppose,” he said.

“Huh, imagine that,” I said, and stuck another crystal to the door.

You have concealed a second explosive trap element.

The door began to open, and I stepped aside.

“They want you now,” the second guard said, emerging from the chamber.

“Then, I better go in,” I said and slipped past him.

✵ ✵ ✵

The council hall was conspicuously bright.

Magelights hung from the rafters and lined the walls, making the room far brighter than on my first visit. I took a second to study the chamber. There was not a single shadowed area to be seen.

That was not by chance, of course.

Two closed doors were along the hall’s left and right walls. I didn’t let my gaze linger on them for too long, but I was certain they led to the antechambers Ghost had mentioned. There were no spelled wards to be seen in the hall, though. It surprised me, and I had to work to keep the troubled frown off my face.

“Have a seat.”

Glancing down the hall, I saw the dark elf, Cilia, had risen to address me. The council table was set as before, but this time a single chair had been placed on its nearside—for me, presumably. From behind, I heard the chamber’s main door close and the quiet turn of a key.

I had been locked in.

Opening my mindsight, I strode closer to the waiting council members. The five of us were the only ones in the room. I detected no mindglows in the adjacent rooms, and I should have; both were in range.

The mages had shielded themselves.

Drawing to a halt before the council table and about a foot from the chair, I opened my right hand and let the third enchanted crystal fall noiselessly to the carpeted floor.

“Sit,” Cilia repeated.

Shaking my head, I placed my booted heel over the crystal. “I prefer to stand.”

You have concealed a darkness trap element.

“What’s that on your face?” Stormhammer asked suspiciously.

“Spectacles,” I replied laconically. The thane clearly expected me to expand on my statement, but instead I took the opportunity to weave together the spelled strands of the disparate trap elements I’d placed.

You have connected 3 trap elements to a remote-control trigger.

Two explosive traps and a darkness trap have been successfully configured!

“Why do you need them?” Sienna asked, frowning.

I gestured to the magelights overhead with my right hand while keeping the trigger concealed in my left. “Those are bright enough to hurt. The spectacles help. But if you dim the lights, I’d be more than happy to take them off.”

Unsurprisingly, no one took me up on my offer.

“We didn’t assemble here for idle chatter,” Lorn remarked mildly before the silence could become too awkward.

“Quite right,” Cilia said, regaining control of the conversation. “Let’s begin.”

I pursed my lips, not missing the change in the council’s leadership. Stormhammer was no longer in charge. Was that significant?

“You have our thanks and that of the city for what you’ve done,” Cilia said. “By destroying the fog banks, you’ve ensured New Haven’s continued survival.”

I inclined my head. “You’re welcome. Now, it’s your turn. Give me the location of the portal.”

Cilia waved aside my question. “We’ll get to that in due time. First, we have some questions.”

“Questions?” I repeated blandly.

“Yes, questions,” the dark elf said, leaning forward on the table. “Nothing onerous, mind you. But we must be certain, you understand.”

“Of course,” I said, keeping my face expressionless. Inwardly, though, I quivered with anger. Cilia was up to something. I wasn’t sure what, but it was time to see to my final preparations. Drawing psi, I cast my buffs.

“Excellent,” Cilia said. “Now, tell us, how were you able to find the seed? And so quickly! You barely spent more than a few minutes in each fog bank.”

“Avery asked me the same thing,” I mused aloud. “Why all this interest in a matter of such minor importance?”

Sienna’s lips thinned. “We’re asking the questions, not you,” she retorted before Cilia could respond. “Now, answer the First!”

“Give me the location of the exit portal first,” I countered.

Sienna’s face flushed but before she could speak, Cilia laid a hand on her arm. “You don’t seem to understand the situation,” she said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You’ve lost your leverage. Unless you satisfy our curiosity, you will not get the answers you seek.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “If that was supposed to convince me to share even more of my secrets,” I said disdainfully, “then it was a mighty awful effort.”

Anger sparked in Cilia’s eyes and her mask affability appeared in danger of slipping. “I apologize for Sienna’s impertinence, and my earlier… rudeness,” she said, managing to keep up the act. “But come, this is a small matter. You said so yourself. Only tell us, and we can move on from all this unpleasantness.”

I stared mutely back at her, wondering just how gullible she thought me.

“This is a waste of time,” Stormhammer muttered. “Just tell him what he wants to know so we can get this damn charade over with.”

“Shut up, you imbecile!” Cilia hissed, pinning the thane with a furious glare. “You were warned not to interfere!”

The dwarf’s face turned red, and he looked ready to explode. “How dare you!” he roared, jerking upright. “Don’t you forget who you’re—”

I stopped listening. Ghost had reappeared—and from her expression, things were about to get interesting.

“They’re coming,” the spirit wolf sang.

I tensed, my thumb on the button of the remote trigger. I was primed to escape, but I’d still not learned what I’d come here to. Remaining outwardly calm and, to all appearances blissfully unaware, I waited.

The doors to the antechambers blew open and two dozen mages charged in. Each sparkled with wards and protective shields, and all of them had staffs and wands in hand. The council froze, argument forgotten as they stared wide-eyed at the blue-robed figures.

Either they’re wonderful actors, I thought, or they’ve been caught as much by surprise as I was supposed to be.

The mages formed up on either side of me. All of them had their hoods up, concealing their identities, but I was sure Avery was amongst their number.

A final figure strolled languidly out of the antechamber on the right. Unlike the other mages, he was not wrapped in spells and didn’t carry any weapons. His head was uncovered, too, revealing a gleaming bald head.

“That’s the leader,” Ghost whispered.

I nodded ever so slightly in her direction and turned to inspect this approaching figure.

The target is Castor, a level 208 human.

Your mental intrusion has been detected!

You have passed a mental resistance check! A hostile entity has failed to pierce your disguise. A hostile entity has failed to analyze you.

Only by dint of will did I keep my eyes from widening in shock.

Not only was the approaching human an elite—and how did an ordinary human manage to become so powerful?—he’d used analyze on me, an ability I would have sworn only players possessed.

The strange mage’s lips turned down, seemingly disappointed by the failure of his ability.

“Castor, what’s the meaning of this?” Cilia demanded. “I thought we agreed—”

The human slashed a hand downward. “Silence!”

The dark elf’s mouth snapped closed.

My gaze darted to the other New Haven rulers; all were similarly tight lipped. Heads bowed and eyes downcast, they refused to meet Castor’s gaze. My eyes narrowed, not missing the implications. Whoever Castor was, he was the one truly in charge here—not Cilia, and certainly not the other council members.

“Better,” Castor said, letting his gaze linger over the cowed rulers. “Now, like the thane said, this charade has gone on long enough.” He looked at me. “We have what we want.”

“What are you?” I asked. Castor looked like a mundane human and the Game didn’t dispute that, but he had to be more.

“Have a seat, and I’ll tell you everything,” he replied.


Castor raised an eyebrow and glanced meaningfully at the arrayed mages in silent threat.

“I’m bored already,” I said, faking a yawn. “Either you tell me what I want now, or I leave.”

Anger flashed in the human’s eyes, but no sign of it showed when he spoke. “We’re the possessed.”

This time, I did not manage to hide my start of surprise.

“So, you’ve heard of us,” Castor said matter-of-factly. “And how might that have happened?” he asked, studying the rulers.

Sweat dribbled down Sienna’s face and even Cilia looked worried. Lorn was implacable as ever, and the thane just as disgruntled. “I let it slip,” Stormhammer said shortly. “I accused him of being one of you.”

“You,” Castor said, his lips turning down. “I should have known.” He turned back to me. “Do you know what we are?”

We? My gaze slid from him to the rest of the silent mages in the room.

“That’s right,” Castor said. “All of us are the so-called possessed.” He stepped closer. “I never liked that term myself, but what can you do? Some idiot mistakenly labeled us so centuries ago and the name stuck.” His eyes held mine. “Now answer me, do you know what we are?”

I shook my head.

Castor spread his arms and smiled as if my ignorance amused him. “Come, can’t you guess?”

“Why bother? I can see you’re dying to tell me.”

The elite guffawed, laughing so hard he had to clutch his sides in an effort to stop.

I watched him expressionlessly. “What’s so funny?”

“That word,” Castor wheezed, getting himself under control. “Dying. We don’t do that anymore.”

I frowned.

“We’ve escaped death more fully than ever before.”

My frown deepened. Before? I wondered. Before what?

“I can see you’re finally catching on,” Castor remarked, still amused. “Go on, think it through. I’ll wait.”

Ignoring his condescending tone, I did just that. “You are players,” I said at last. Perhaps Castor and his fellows could falsify their Game data. That all of them could do so and with such effectiveness as to defeat my own perception did seem unlikely, but it was the only thing that made sense.

“So close, but so wrong,” Castor said, shaking his head in mock sadness. “We are…”

He paused theatrically.

“… former players. Only now, we’re so much better. Undying and eternal.”

I stared at him agog. Elites. Stygian Powers. And now former players—whatever the hell that was supposed to be—claiming to be undying.

Just how much worse could this bloody dungeon get?



MC mind shielding ability is merely of lowest level yet there doesn't seem to be incentive in order to upgrade it as it's impenetrable. Same goes for mages MC encounters as they seem to be easily shielding their minds rendering part of the MC skill set useless while seemingly not suffering any disadvantages like dedicated psions do as mind shield shuts down their psychic abilities. Maybe some way of penetration of those shields with special effort and time would be good? And some disadvantages for non psychics who use them. Maybe non dedicated psychics have worse version of mind shielding so they can only use it in limited amount of time as the ability is magic based rather than psychic based for example? Secondly, as MC levels his basic Telepathy skill becoming better Psion overal just as Dual Weapons skill makes him better at just fighting with weapons without using abilities shouldn't psychic skills also make him passively better at free forming psychic powers? This is area to explore here. For example it could be used in interrogation of his targets who lack experience with mind based powers.

Eric M

This feels like one plot twist too many.


I don’t think the mind shields are supposed to be impenetrable. It makes people invisible to slaysight, which is how he typically targets mind attacks, but he should still be able to attempt charm via line of sight (not sure about the other mental attacks, though, since they are aspects of slaysight). Judging by the chapter where he got the ability, psi attacks should drain the psi pool of the caster to maintain the shield. I assume that means line of sight psi attacks (including charm attempts) should whittle down shields. So, I think the durability of a mind shield should be based on the Mind attribute and corresponding skill level (Meditation for MC). I’m guessing advancing the tier would probably include the ability to shield others and perhaps improve shield efficiency against active attacks. Later tiers could also include an ability to ‘cast’ the shield rather than essentially channeling it (presumably that would allow for other mind attacks to be used), and perhaps something like the mages shield where a ‘stored’ shield spell is triggered upon mental attack.


Exactly. Psi shields either should have meaningful flaw or disadvantage for non psi users (psi users have their toolkit shutdown should they raise the shield ) or for dedicated psions a way to counter it otherwise it renders psionic classes non viable if enemies can raise flimsy psi zhield backed by few Mind points to become immune to psionic spels. Even MC void shields don't allow complete immunity. Pm p


What I’m saying is that presumably the mind shields he has encountered from non-psi players/monsters *could* have been drained with a sustained assault, if he actually attempted to do so. (I’m assuming that could be done with many line-of-sight casts of charm, it should *definitely* be doable with psi dagger) Presumably attacks on targets with shield up would be detected by default, though, (psi daggers definitely would), and he’s usually trying to remain undetected from multiple foes. I.e. I think if he really needed to charm or slaysight a particular person and being detected was not an issue, he could bash down a shield from a non-psi player pretty quickly. (Presumably even mind shielding items /crystal effects should be drainable with active attacks, unless the item tier is way over his skill level) There’s no real support for that in story, though, since in those cases, he can usually handle the situation physically, instead.


First of all psi dagger is shit. Despite having several times Mind stat more than Dexterity psi dagger seem to be doing irrevelant damage. Random fireball does more than psi dagger. Secondly, as I said before I'm not against psi shields but rather there should be more nuance to them rather than just annoying plot device to force MC go physical. For example as you have metbioned before good potential flaw is psi shield draining psi points passively that will render non psions to only have it raised for short amount of time making it so that MC can just wait it out should he be hidden. Maybe there is a way to piece weak mental shields withoit detection if one user is drastically more powerful Psion? Like slowly grinding them down over time or just by being brutal. Why would anybody take psi class if few points in mind stat and 1st tier of mind shield would render psionics of player even on level of Power useless?


Ok, I don’t think I’m coming across clearly. Nothing in what I said, for how I think mind shields work in general, is consistent with your final statement there. What I’m suggesting, if things work the way I expect, is that the low level mind shields are basically only useful for cloaking, and preventing mind ambushes, if the skill level backing the shield is overpowered by the skill level of the attack. If the mechanics work the way I suggested, any deliberate telepathic attack from a power-level psi player would rapidly/immediately obliterate a mind shield of a low tier crystal or a player ability that’s not backed by high skill levels.


Low level mind shields seem to make user immune to any attempt at charming the user even if high level skill should as you are saying blow away low level protection. Psi dagger as an direct psychic attack seems to be skill only belonging to house wolf. I don't think that we have ever seen the Player possessing direct psychic attack though.


Personally, I think that’s fair. Charm is perversely powerful when it actually succeeds. So requiring more obvious mental attacks for it to be useable against a prepared foe seems reasonable.




Charm is as powerful like literally any other spell of a high level mage. Problem lies with psi shield that is so overpowered that even on low level it renders user immune without any side effects. In the same vein why isn't MC void class giving similar shield that renders user immune jn the same easy way as psi shield can? I'm not against psi shield as you are right that binary spells like Charm need a balance but psi shield is too overpowered. You would think that osychers have some kind of methods around this issue of that there are maybe some side effects for those that are using it


If the scaling continues as is, the void class will render him immune to magic types once the resistance skill is at 200, so long as he has mana. (Similar to a mental shield which drains psi when attacked) It’s a good question if his current void armor, as-is would render him immune to something like a passive ‘lifesense/sight’ ability (which would be a corollary to the slaysight with mind shields) I think the drawbacks for using the mind shield are pretty well balanced. Either using it is cutting you off from other psi abilities, or it’s your only psi ability in which case you had to waste attribute points and a skill slot to protect against a fairly niche range of telepathic abilities. And presumably, if someone’s powerset is more reliant on telepathic ability, they would have an ability that would allow them to blow through that shield quickly in a direct confrontation.


Void Shield is balances as MC had to sacrifice one of 3 classes to get it, if has to be developed and it will never confer true immunity to magic as enemies rise in power as well (MC for example has talent that increases Mind Spells effectiveness therefore enemy mages has to have similar talents) Low level psi shield used by non psionics is imbalanced as hell. Drop few points into Mind, get psi shield or invest into a crystal and you are immune to direct Mind spells. Moreover it's inconsistent with how psychic classes definitely wouldn't left such glaring weakness in their skilset like MC have. Frankly , psi shield is only balanced when used by MC as it literally cuts hid abilities away .


It won’t grant him true immunity because resisting burns through his mana. But that’s the same as mind shields with psi… If they aren’t dedicating a class to psi abilities then presumably all a mind shield gets them is protection, against casual telepathic attacks and passive telepathic tracking. Also it seems like you’re implying any player can get a mind shield ability, but have we actually seen that? The only shielded players I recall were either protected by support psionics, or by an item/crystal. I think the only reason it seems overpowered is because it’s inconvenient to the MC’s most overpowered abilities. (Charm and mindsight perception) But there being counters to the ability of an underleveled player to casually dominate groups of higher powered enemies, from hiding, *is* balance. If he’s fighting any of those things with shields one on one at worst the shield means he has to keep his enemy in line of sight and use some psi daggers to pop the shield if he wanted to get his freeshot with charm rather than shadow blink.


Void Shield also allows to resist special effects outside of damage but only in percentage resistance and mages have talents that definitely can counter resistance. Meanwhile ANY low level psi shield grants complete immunity against any non damage Mind spell. MC spells aren't really overpowered as tons of characters shown ability to resist if not outright be immune to them even without psi shield. Then mages spells are as overpowered as Charm like spells with distinction that psi shield blocks ALL mind spells not like Void Shield that blocks concrete affinities. Frankly any mage in the story thus far used psi shield the moment they discovered MC. Hell, psi shield is so common that even spell casting mob monsters like seed protectors can cast it en masse. Besides have you ever seen MC using psi dagger to pol psi shield? It has never happened. I'm not against counters against Mind Spells it's just that they need more believable flaws and counters that allow fighting back otherwise they are too overpowered making it inconsistent and illogivao from setting point of view. Several solutions were presented in this discussion. Like, low level psi shields being on timer, maybe non they also wear out users mind making spell casting hard otherwise why wouldn't mages permanently have psi shields up?, As MC gains Mind stats and higher skill levels he finds a way around psi shields but only with great difficulty making it so that enemies has to have appropriate level of mind defences and not so mere weaklings can pop paper thin shields fo protect against nuclear level of magic. It makes no sense. What else? Direct psychic damage as you said...even if we have never seen Player casting psychic damage spell. not actually ae have ever seen osycher aside from monsters and wolves. Ppl


I don’t think someone else having a boost to fire magic would mean Michael would need more than 100% reduction modifier to take no health damage. The boost would just mean it would cost him more mana to negate the damage, 100% is 100%. I think *any* telepathic attack likely deals some ‘damage’ to a psi shield, even charm likely deals some damage to a psi shield. I would just expect for an attack of that type, if skill levels were even, it would likely cost the caster more psi to cast than it would cost to block. We know the bard has some persuasion abilities, and the inquisitor from book 1 probably also had offensive telepathic magic or would have eventually (i dont remember if his class was actually a lie, but it likely exists). I think any of those would drain a mind shield. Also, the turmoil of that powerful guardian burned through his shield, so I’m guessing unstructured telepathic attacks are probably a thing.


a way to overcome mind shields is already on the way. You will find out about it soon enough :).


@Brian, I believe that damage reduction modifier will go above 100% as we can as safely assume that mages will have methods to increase magic penetration. It's logical to assume that Psychic classes definitely thought of a way to defeat their counters but at the same time I think such methods will have disadvantages and difficulties to use them that will leave them balanced.


@tom eliot, That's nice :) as I said before the way I imagine such method to work is by it being balanced too by having flaws and difficulties to use. Just like MC has to often use at this level at least crystal that conceals his smell which is quite pricey.


Hmm the tale of ghostly wolf that comes to posses the body of a beautiful lady only to fall in love with MC... ;D


Frankly the way I always thought about MC psionic wise is that he is just inexperienced in player side of psionics as he has never encountered one and never had spent time on educating himselves on ins and outs of being a player psionic from somebody experienced hence he still doesn't know many things potentially underutiziling his tools.