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Multiple hostile entities have failed to detect you! You are hidden.

The battle had not progressed much in the short time I’d been away. Dropping into a crouch, I studied the combatants.

The target is a level 217 frost ent. He is severely injured.

The target is a level 170 stygian crawler. It is currently frozen.

The target is a level 173 stygian crawler. It is currently chilled.

The target is a level 168 stygian crawler. It is near death.

I pursed my lips. The elite was more greatly injured than I’d expected given that his torso was largely absent of the wounds I’d seen on the corpses I’d examined earlier.

So, how are the stygians killing him? I wondered.

My gaze roved over the crawlers clinging to the ent. Presently, they numbered a dozen. Some hung onto his naked legs, while others perched on his back. One and all, they dug their feet into their foe’s skin, leaving deep puncture marks as they slowly crawled up his back.

Periodically the ent wrenched free some of the crawlers. Those on his legs were easy to reach, but those on his back were impossible for him to get to. Which was why the creatures were trying to nestle between his shoulder blades, I realized.

I padded forward a few steps.

Multiple hostile entities have failed to detect you!

Ghost made to follow, but I waved her back. “Stay there,” I ordered. Once more, the spirit wolf would act as my backdoor. If anything went wrong, I would use her to teleport out of harm’s way.

Wrapped in shadow I snuck closer to the battle. I was about a hundred yards from the ent—he was facing the other way—but despite my proximity, the elite’s freezing sphere shrouded the crawlers, making details hard to pick out, and I needed to get closer to see what those on the ent’s back were doing.

The rest of the crawler horde were gathered on the other side of the elite and while some did attempt to circle around their target, they succumbed to the effects of the elite’s spell before they could. As soon as that happened, the chilled crawlers—those that could still move—redirected themselves and made directly for the ent.

Forty yards away from the elite and just outside the rim of his cold bubble, I drew to a halt. Squinting, I focused on the crawlers on the ent’s back and slowly, more details emerged.

The crawlers’ jaws were latched fast onto the elite and blood—by the gobfuls—coursed down their throats.

They’re leeches, I thought, shivering in disgust. Not caterpillars.

The crawlers were sucking the ent dry. That’s why he was weakening, despite his lack of wounds. It didn’t explain the cause of the injuries I’d seen on the corpses, though.

But right now, that was of little consequence. The time had come for me to act. Drawing back a few steps I summoned psi. Focusing on a single target only, I released my will.

You have charmed a level 182 stygian crawler for 20 seconds.

I smiled thinly as one of the creatures clinging to the ent’s back fell under my spell. I waited for a heartbeat but neither the elite nor the other stygians reacted to my interference. My spell had gone unnoticed.


“Release,” I ordered, tugging on the leash I’d formed around the stygian’s mind. Obediently, the crawler unlocked its jaw and retracted its feet from the ent’s flesh. Bereft of any anchors, the creature fell.

You have taken hostile action against your minion and have lost control over it.

Ignoring the Game message, I watched the crawler to see what it would do next. Chilled and confused, the creature stayed where it was.

Unfortunately, that did not happen to be a safe place.

Not missing the sudden appearance of the stygian at his feet, the frost ent planted his left foot backwards and squished the hapless creature beneath his heel.

A stygian crawler has died.

My gaze flitted to the other crawlers, watching to see what they made of their fellow’s demise, but none appeared suspicious. My smile broadened. My stealthy assault was off to a good start.

Focusing on another crawler on the ent’s back, I reached out to it with my will. It fell under my spell as easily as the first. Without remorse, I forced my second minion to release its hold and watched impassively while the elite killed.

Two down.

Dropping down into a cross legged stance, I made myself comfortable. It was going to be a long next few hours.

✵ ✵ ✵

The day passed slowly.

Lurking in the shadows, I bespelled the crawlers that clung to the ent and sent them to their death. I picked my targets carefully, not charming too many or so often that the combatants would suspect outside influence.

Nor did I charm every stygian on the elite’s back.

I could have done that, of course, but saving the elite was not my intent. Drawing out the battle and increasing the stygians’ losses was. I still needed the ent to die, but in the process, I wanted as many of the crawlers to perish.

And while my chosen approach lacked the excitement of a direct assault, my charm offensive and the time spent skulking in the shadows paid off.

Your sneaking has increased to level 141 and reached rank 14.

Your telepathy has increased to level 139.

It was good training, essential even.

Before I escaped the dungeon, I was determined to advance as many of my skills as possible to tier four—if not higher. The training, though, was only an added bonus. My primary objective was something else entirely. To make sure the opportunity did not pass me by unnoticed, I rechecked the elite’s health every so often.

Eventually, the message I’d been waiting for arrived.

The target is a level 217 frost ent. He is near death.

Releasing the weaves of the latest charm spell I’d been readying, I rose to my feet and advanced towards the ent until his bubble of ice loomed large in front of me.

Before I could reconsider, I plunged forward.

You have entered a cold sphere!

Multiple hostile entities have failed to detect you!

It was as if I’d re-entered the tundra. This time, though, I was not dressed for it. Between one moment and the next, freezing cold assailed me.

You have passed a magical resistance check! A level 217 frost ent has failed to freeze you!

I smiled tightly. It was nice that I’d managed to shrug off the ent’s spell, however briefly, but I didn’t expect my resistance to last. Wrapping my arms tightly about myself, I crept onward.

You have passed a magical resistance check!

The temperature plummeted further—although I was not sure how that was possible—coating my armor in tiny shards of ice. It seemed that even resisting the sphere’s magic did not negate the very real cold it generated.

Only a little further. Clenching my teeth to keep them from chattering, I took another step.

You have passed a magical resistance check!

Ignoring the aching cold, I looked around.

I was now almost fully encased in the ice bubble, and as I’d hoped, neither the ent nor the stygians had spotted me yet. One more step should do it. Bracing myself, I began to move forward.

“What are you doing?” Ghost asked in alarm.

Pausing, I glanced behind me to see the spirit wolf edging anxiously around the corner. “Get back, Ghost,” I replied gently. “I need you to stay out of sight.”

She retreated, but that didn’t stop her from interrogating me further. “Why are you going so close? Are you going to kill the ent?”

“I’m not going to slay the elite,” I assured her. “Nor am I going to fight the stygians.” Yet.

My words mollified the spirit wolf somewhat. “What are you doing then?”

“Stealing the ent’s spell,” I replied, and before she could respond, stepped forward again.

You have failed a magical resistance check!

You have partially resisted the freezing effects of a cold sphere! You are chilled. While chilled, you will sustain ongoing freezing damage and your movement speed will be reduced by 50%.

Duration: infinite. The debuff will remain in effect as long as the source spell is being channeled.

I grimaced. This time, the pain was more than superficial; this time the tentacles of ice dug deep into my body, inflicting real damage.

You have sustained ice damage. Your void armor has reduced the elemental damage incurred by 40%.

Void armor charge remaining: 96%. Your health has decreased to 94%.

I rocked back and forth on my heels, trying to generate some heat. It was useless, of course. There was nothing for it, but to bear through.

You have sustained ice damage.

You have sustained ice damage.

You have sustained ice damage.

Void armor charge remaining: 84%. Your health has decreased to 76%.

The seconds ticked by and the damage to my void armor and health multiplied. I did my best to ignore it and keep my gaze fixed on the combatants. They were the real danger. I was taking a risk placing myself this close to the battle, but the reward would be worth it—or so I hoped.

You have sustained ice damage.

Void armor charge remaining: 72%. Your health has decreased to 58%.

My limbs shivered violently, threatening to spasm. I hugged myself tighter, trying to force myself to stillness.  In front of me, the ent swayed and fell to one knee, setting the ground trembling.

It would not be long now—for him or me.

Drawing in psi, I prepared a casting.

“Are you alright?” Ghost asked, sensing my agony.

“I am,” I rasped curtly, lacking the energy or focus for a longer response. “Be ready.”

You have sustained ice damage.

Void armor charge remaining: 60%. Your health has decreased to 40%.

Void thief triggered! You have acquired the spell, cold sphere (stolen), from a frost ent and will retain memory of it for the next 8 hours.

Cold sphere (stolen) is a tier 5 spell that encases the caster in a bubble of ice with diameter equal to your height. When hostiles enter the field of effect, they may be frozen or chilled. Both debuffs inflict elemental ice damage. The cold sphere will remain manifested for as long as the caster channels the spell.

Void siphon activated!

A conduit has been forged between you and a frost ent, allowing you to steal mana from him whenever he inflicts spell damage upon you.

I sagged wearily. It was done. I had stolen the ent’s spell. I didn’t have a use for it yet, but I didn’t doubt it would come in handy.

Time to get out of here.

Releasing the psi I held ready, I shadow blinked to Ghost.


Jason Hornbuckle

A bubble with a diameter of 6' or so doesn't sound like it would be all that useful

William Adams

I think it would make more sense if it was radius instead of diameter. If the ent was 10 feet tall the spell effect would only be in a sphere of 5 feet from the ent, that would not have required more than a couple of steps, only way the story makes sense is if the spell was radius or the ent is over 20 foot tall.