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The wolves and the twins exited the lair an hour later.

The wolves looked sated, and the twins were covered in blood, filth, and offal. I hide a smile. Sometimes, it was nice having minions to do the dirty work. Especially two motivated minions.

Rising to my feet, I dusted myself off. “All done?” I asked, addressing the twins.

They both nodded mutely, too weary to speak.

I turned to Oursk. “Thank you for your generous gift,” he said.

I nodded. “You’re welcome.” I glanced at the twins. “They were no trouble?”

“Not at all.” He gazed at me, his eyes opaque. “Are they your pack?”

I shook my head. “No. But they wish to aid the pack if you will allow it.”

The dire wolf seemed to shrug. “That will be for Duggar to decide.”

“He is alive, then? Where can I find him and the others?”

“We’ll get to that,” Oursk said, not meeting my gaze. “First, let me introduce my pups.”

My eyebrows rose. Earlier, Oursk had been intent on completing whatever task he’d been given. Now, it almost seemed as if he was delaying. “You brought them with you? Where are—”

Realizing who he must mean, my eyes drifted to the two still-nameless wolves.

“This is Stormdark,” Oursk said, pointing to the darker wolf, “and this is Shadetooth.”

My eyes widened. I recognized the names, of course. I just hadn’t expected the pair to be so big, but then again, it had been two years. One pup was missing, though. “Where’s Moonstalker?”

“Dead,” Shadetooth replied curtly, his mindvoice joyless. The playful pup I remembered was gone. My gaze slid to his sibling. His eyes, too, were dark.

“I’m sorry,” I said helplessly. I felt their grief keenly but was at a loss on how to comfort them. “What happened?” I asked Oursk.

The older wolf lowered his head. “A sad tale for another day. Suffice to say, he’s gone.” He sighed. “But it is not because of the past we’re here, but the future.”

“What do you mean?” I asked slowly.

“The pack is once more at a crossroads, and I have a favor to request,” he said.

“Go on.”

“There is somewhere I must take you. I ask that you come willingly and without questions. I’ve been ordered not to reveal anything.”

“Ordered?” I asked, sharply. “Why would Duggar—”

“It wasn’t Duggar.”

“Sulan, then. How did—”

“It wasn’t the elder either.”

I stared at the dire wolf; he seemed intent on not answering me. He and Aira were among my oldest companions in the Game. Who could I trust if not them? But he asked too much. “Tell me,” I said softly.

Oursk finally met my gaze, his thoughts churning with sorrow and shame. “As you wish. It was—”

The dire wolf’s mindglow flickered.

The change was so abrupt it caught me by surprise. One moment, Oursk’s mind had the bright glow of a healthy mind, the next, it was dull and weak. It was almost as if…

…he’d been attacked.

It was the only thing that made sense. Whatever had befallen the dire wolf, it had occurred too suddenly to be natural. Fearing a follow-up attack, I expanded my mindsight and searched the vicinity for hostiles. But other than for our small party, the mountainside was empty.

A wolf whined.

My eyes flickered back to Oursk. Tremors wracked the dire wolf’s body, blood gushed out of his nose, and more leaked out of his eyes. Stormdark and Shadetooth rushed to their sire’s side, propping up the weakened older wolf.

“Don’t fight it,” Stormdark whined.

“Stop.” Shadetooth pleaded. “Let it go.”

Shuddering, Oursk collapsed to the ground, his sides heaving. “You must go,” Cantur said, nudging me again.

Shoving aside the half-mad wolf, I knelt by Oursk. Even if I wanted to leave, there was no way I would abandon Oursk.

“What’s happening, Michael?” Teresa asked in concern.

“Stay alert and keep watch,” I ordered. Withdrawing a health potion from my pack, I dribbled it into the trembling wolf’s mouth.

It made no difference.

I couldn’t believe it. The health potion had failed to work.

Bewildered, I sat back. Oursk’s condition remained unaltered. My concern mounting, I reached out with my will and analyzed him.

The target is Oursk. His health is at 100%.

The Adjudicator’s response deepened my confusion. Game messages were never wrong. So, what was plaguing Oursk that it didn’t affect his health?

“This is your fault.” Stormdark’s words broke through my musings.

“He told you: no questions,” Shadetooth growled. “But you had to ask.”

I stared at the pair. They were right; I should have trusted the dire wolf. If Oursk hadn’t tried to answer me, he—

That’s it.

The assault on the dire wolf had only occurred after he’d tried to respond to my question. In fact, given his earlier cryptic comments, it was likely the mere act of trying to answer me that had triggered Oursk’s convulsions.

He has been compelled.

Leaning down, I placed my mouth against Oursk’s ear. “You don’t have to tell me,” I said urgently, hoping he could still hear me. “I understand the reason for your silence now.”

The dire wolf’s spasms stopped.

I exhaled in sharp relief. Stormdark and Shadetooth prodded their sire, and Oursk climbed back to his feet. But he kept his head low, refusing to look at me, his shame palpable.

Gripping Oursk’s muzzle, I forced him to stare at me. “It’s alright, my friend. I understand. I will come. No more questions, I promise.”

“Thank you,” he whispered.

I climbed back to my feet, my expression grim.

A snarl sounded behind me, and I swung around. It was Cantur. “Player do this. Player do to you, too.”

I stared at him, finally understanding his earlier mutterings. Cantur had been trying to warn me all along.

“Thank you,” I said gravely to the big wolf, projecting my words tightly into his mind alone. “But I cannot leave, even if it is into a trap that I walk. I will deal with the player, I promise.”

He studied me a second longer, then, turning about, lay down a few feet away. “Alpha,” he pronounced.

I returned my attention to Oursk. Remarkably, he seemed to have made a full recovery already. “Lead on,” I ordered.

Like I’d told Cantur, I couldn’t leave. Someone had compelled Oursk, which meant that wherever the dire wolves were taking me, it was likely into an ambush.

It didn’t matter, though. The pack was in danger, and I would not abandon them.

✵ ✵ ✵

Before we set out, I called the twins over. “You two should head back to the village,” I said.

“What about you?” Terence asked.

“I have to go with them,” I said, gesturing to the wolves. “I know I promised to escort you back to town, but I can’t anymore. I spoke to Oursk, and he’s agreed to allow Shadetooth and Stormdark to accompany you as far as the village’s outer limits.”

“Why do you have to go with them?” Teresa asked, ignoring everything else I’d said.

I eyed the girl for a beat. They deserve the truth, I thought. “Players are threatening the pack,” I said quietly. “Somehow, they’ve learned about my ties to the wolves and are using them to lure me somewhere.”

“You’re knowingly walking into a trap?” Terence asked.

I nodded.

“Why?” he asked, aghast.

“Because he cares for them,” Teresa said before I could answer. She stared at me piercingly. “Don’t you?”

I sighed. “I do. Now, head back to the village. This is my fight, and you two have already become more entangled in matters than is safe for you.” I turned away. “I’ll find you at the tavern.”

“No,” they said in unison.

I swung back. “Excuse me?”

“We’re not leaving,” Teresa said. “We’ll help however we can.”

Terence grinned. “And besides, if we don’t go with you, how will we finish our task?”

“It’s dangerous—” I began.

“We know,” Terence said, speaking for the duo. “But Saya was right about you. She said if we stick with you, you won’t lead us astray.”

I stared measuringly at the twins. “I’m not so sure about that, but if you really wish to accompany us, I won’t stop you.” I strode toward the waiting wolves. “Welcome to the Pack.”

And House Wolf.



Great chapter. I like the direction your going with the cadets, they aren't overly skilled but they are of sound character and have a good mindset. Early days I know but good potential

Florian Brauer

So many chapters dropping today :) The House Wolf is growing. I would not be surprised if Saya ends up joining too. "I hide a smile." Should be: "I hid a smile."

Joshua Adams

Agreed, it’s another good chapter. I’m happy for the quick releases. Finally catching up with the pack again. I’m wondering if he’s going to be advancing his mark again after this confrontation.


It started in the last chapter but this chapter is evoking the feels....and by feels I mean boiling anger....didnt know I cared so much for imaginary giant dogs....


So another mind/psionic loken hired. Or maybe marauder. And loken told them who messed with them. So they messed with the wolves for payback.


Ooh also Tom— Michael had a quest to protect the pack (the inn). Is that completed?