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Hi all,

The last chapter of book 4 has been posted, and as said earlier, I plan on taking a break in March. The story will resume in April.

Happy reading!

Link to the Grand Game Book 4 (pre-order): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKR2PPCX


Mason Stedman

FYI page not found on the amazon link

John Pfeffer

So, we’ve reached the 2nd half of the month where you said you’d start your editing/hands break.

John Pfeffer

-didn’t mean to send that yet. Is book 4 done? Being pushed back? Don’t know yet? Just curious :)


Apologies everyone. I have been so focused on penning the final part of the book, I've been neglecting to review them as I go and post updates either here or anywhere else. The good news is that book 4 is nearly done (two more chapters to go) and i will be posting all remaining 16-17 chapters in the next 2 days!


Definitely not pushed back. The remaining chapters are going to come in a rush. :)

Caleb Reusser

I've been enjoying the binge.