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Player Profile: Michael

Level: 129. Rank: 12. Current Health: 100%.

Stamina: 100%. Mana: 100%. Psi: 100%.

Species: Human. Lives Remaining: 3.

True Marks (hidden): pack-alpha.

False Marks (fabricated): Lesser Shadow, Lesser Light, Lesser Dark.


Available: 0 points.

Strength: 13. Constitution: 19. Dexterity: 33. Perception: 25. Mind: 71. Magic: 21. Faith: 0.


Available: 1 point.

Primary-Secondary Bi-blend: mindstalker (fabricated). mindslayer VI (hidden).

Tertiary Class: void mage.


slayer’s heritage (hidden): +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, +4 Mind, +4 Perception.

beast tongue: can speak to beastkin.

Marked: can see spirit signatures.

wolfwalker (hidden): improved senses in all conditions.

anointed scion (hidden): bound to House Wolf.

inscrutable mind: +8 Mind.

secret blood (hidden): conceals bloodline.

mental focus IV: increases effectiveness of Mind skills by 40%.

budding explorer: all key points in newly discovered sectors logged.

arctic wolf: +5 Constitution, +2 Mind, +3 Strength.

void touched: +6 Magic.

spell illiterate: cannot cast mana-based spells.


Available skill slots: 3.

dodging (current: 107. max: 330. Dexterity, basic).

sneaking (current: 103. max: 330. Dexterity, basic).

shortswords (current: 113. max: 330. Dexterity, basic).

two weapon fighting (current: 104. max: 330. Dexterity, advanced).

light armor (current: 107. max: 140. Constitution, basic).

thieving (current: 78. max: 330. Dexterity, basic).

chi (current: 105. max: 650. Mind, advanced).

meditation (current: 131. max: 650. Mind, basic).

telekinesis (current: 109. max: 650. Mind, advanced).

telepathy (current: 104. max: 650. Mind, advanced).

insight (current: 124. max: 250. Perception, basic).

deception (current: 106. max: 250. Perception, master).

channeling (current: 10. max: 160. Magic, basic).

elemental absorption (current: 10. max: 160. Magic, master).

null force (current: 10. max: 160. Magic, master).


Constitution ability slots used: 5 / 16.

minor lighten load (5 Constitution, advanced, light armor).

Dexterity ability slots used: 27 / 33.

crippling blow (Dexterity, basic, shortswords).

minor piercing strike (5 Dexterity, advanced, shortswords).

lesser backstab (5 Dexterity, advanced, sneaking).

improved trap disarm (5 Dexterity, advanced, thieving).

superior lockpicking (5 Dexterity, advanced, thieving).

set trap (Dexterity, basic, thieving).

whirlwind (5 Dexterity, advanced, two weapon fighting).

Mind ability slots used: 24 / 71.

simple mass charm (5 Mind, advanced, telepathy).

stunning slap (Mind, basic, chi).

two-step (5 Mind, advanced, telekinesis).

simple reaction buff (5 Mind, advanced, chi).

simple astral blade (Mind, basic, telepathy).

medium shadow blink (5 Mind, advanced, telekinesis).

minor chi heal (Mind, basic, chi).

simple mind shield (Mind, basic, meditation).

Perception ability slots used: 22 / 25.

improved analyze (5 Perception, advanced, insight).

improved trap detect (5 Perception, advanced, thieving).

conceal small weapon (Perception, basic, deception).

facial disguise (Perception, basic, deception).

superior ventro (5 Perception, advanced, deception).

lesser imitate (5 Perception, advanced, deception).

Other abilities:

improved slaysight (hidden) (Class, basic, telepathy).

basic void armor (Class, basic, channeling, or elemental absorption).

Known Key Points

Sector 14,913 exit portal and safe zone.

Sector 12,560 nether portal and safe zone.

Sector 1 safe zone.

Sector 101 exit portal and safe zone (scorching dunes).

Sector 102, 103, and 104 exit portals and safe zones (haunted catacombs).

Sector 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109 exit portals (guardian tower).

Sector 18,240 exit portal.


ebonheart (+30% damage), concealed.

winter bone-hide armor (+10% damage reduction, -70% Dexterity and Magic, +5 stealth in snow).

shortsword,+1 (+15% damage, +10 shortswords), blunt!

slim dagger.

Backpack Contents

Money: 0 gold, 5 silvers, and 3 coppers.

snow-cone map of the tundra.

leopard cloak (-20% movement speed).

tavern bill of ownership.

Tartan token.

Vivane token.


Miscellaneous Loot


Bank Contents

Money: 0 gold, 0 silvers, and 0 coppers.

2 x full healing potions.

2 x full mana potions.

Open Tasks

Find the Last Wolf Envoy (hidden) (find Ceruvax).

Heist in the Dark (steal chalice from the Power, Paya).

Probie (complete two tier 4 bounties).

Preying Mantises (stop the assassins hunting you).



sorry, getting the first chapter off the ground took a bit longer than expected...


Thank you so much for adding in these system posts they really help organize in my mind how the universe functions and how the MC is growing/developing.