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Returning to the boss, I tugged free the artifact from around his neck.

You have acquired an amulet of earth, the second piece of the guardian amulet of elements. In its present form, the amulet grants the bearer +10% resistance to earth magic.

The artifact was nearly identical to the other one I’d collected, except its crystal was emerald, not ruby. Drawing the necklace over my neck, I conducted a cursory search of the rest of the room.

I turned up nothing, but I didn’t have time for a more thorough examination, or to attend to the waiting Game messages. It was time to go.

Returning to the door, I listened intently.

The brutes outside hadn’t been alerted yet and no sound  emerged from without. That meant little though. I was sure more enemies were already hurrying this way, and once they entered the tunnel, it would be all-too-easy for them to bottle me in.

I didn’t intend on letting that happen, but first I had to deal with the guards.

I do this quick and dirty.

Opening my mindsight, I fixed my attention on the brutes outside and cast mass charm.

You have charmed 5 of 5 targets for 10 seconds.

Perfect. Shadow blinking through the aether, I materialized before the one brute who had escaped bespelling.

“Wha—?” the startled guard began.

My blades were already in motion. Snaking forward, they ripped into my foe’s torso and disemboweled him in a single strike.

You have killed a ratman with a fatal blow.

Even before the corpse sank to the floor, I spun to face the charmed brutes. They remained locked motionless, faces drawn in rigid lines. Hefting my blades, I padded towards the closest. There could be no witnesses to direct the search.

Ebonheart flashed out.

You have taken hostile action against your minion! Control of target lost.

You have killed a ratman with a fatal blow.

Six seconds to go. Four guards left.

Stepping over the body, I buried my swords hilt deep in the next pair of guards. I didn’t pause for breath. Withdrawing the bloodied blades, I slew the last two with neat surgical strikes.

Marionettes, with their strings cut, the corpses thudded to the ground.

My bloody work done, I spun to a halt and cocked my head to the side, finally able to focus on what my senses had been screaming about for the last few seconds.

The sound of dozens of marching feet.

I was too late. More enemies had already entered the tunnel.

Damnation. I had half a minute—at best—before they got here. My gaze skipped from the dead brutes to the closed door, and then from the brightly lit cul-de-sac to the darkened stretch of corridor ahead.

Where, and how, to meet them?


If I could’ve been certain the two savant lieutenants were not accompanying the enemy reinforcements bearing down on me, I would’ve had no compunctions about trying to sneak or bluff my way past.

But I had no such certainty.

So, I did the only thing I could think of: I doused out all the torches in the cul-de-sac and hid in the shadows. The larger volume of darkness gave me more options.

Just seconds later, the white glow of a magelight spilled into the cul-de-sac. A column of ratmen brutes, with a savant sheltered in their midst,  followed hard on its heels.

Multiple hostile entities have failed to detect you! You are hidden. Your sneaking has increased to level 83.

Despite the new brightness in the cul-de-sac, the shadows around its edges were still deep enough to hide in. Besides, no one was bothering to look in my direction. All eyes were fixed on the six dead brutes and the closed door they had guarded.

The enemy’s distraction was the perfect opportunity.

Bracing my back braced against cold stone, I edged closer to the tunnel mouth, inching my way out of the cul-de-sac. The enemy column, meanwhile, had spread about in a half circle around the entrance to the boss’ chamber. They numbered at least five full squads of brutes. Too many for me to tackle.

The savant strode up to the door.

He means to enter the chamber. I paused. Doesn’t he realize the trap is still active?

Reaching out, the lieutenant yanked down on the latch.

Apparently not.

A hostile entity has triggered a trap!

The fire enchantment beneath the door detonated, and an explosive mix of flames and air mushroomed out. The ground shook, the walls cracked, and I lost my footing, as did all the ratmen.

The savant was not so lucky.

Caught in the center of the concussive blast, the lieutenant was flung aloft and struck the hard rock ceiling with bone-shattering force.

A savant sorcerer has died.

Six ratmen have been injured.

“Bloody hell,” I muttered. That was some trap.

Rising back to my feet, I dusted myself off. The shadows concealing me had been torn away during the height of the blast. But all eyes had been turned the other way and no one had noticed. Wrapping myself in darkness again, I glanced over my shoulder.

Pandemonium reigned.

Brute officers shouted useless orders, ratmen huddled over the lieutenant trying to revive him, while yet others poked cautious heads through the destroyed remains of the door.

I did not stay to observe further. I’d gotten what I came for and staying would only tempt fate. Hurrying into the tunnel, I left the enemy behind me in disarray.


Halfway down the tunnel, the shouts of the ratmen behind me faded to murmurs. I kept going, only stopping when I neared the central hub. From the sounds of it, things were no less chaotic there.

Weaving illusion, I assumed the guise of Rugar once more. Three of the savants on the level had been dealt with, but that still left one more to contend with—not to mention the hordes of remaining ratmen—and I had no desire to fight the entire way to the exit.

Better to bluff my way through.

Feigning panic, I hurried into the main cavern. I needn’t have bothered, though. As just another ratmen, my entry went unremarked. Swiveling my head from side to side, I took stock of the situation. The place was in an uproar.

Under the watchful eyes of the brutish officers, miners were dropping their picks and arming themselves with the weapons being brought in by teams of warriors. They look ready for all-out war, I mused.

Weaving deftly around the smaller miners, I made a beeline for the tunnel leading to the nether portal. A ratman officer spared me a glance but didn’t inquire as to my business.

I reached the exit portal chamber without incident.

Other ratmen were streaming into the cavern, too, and minute by minute, the already formidable cordon around the gateway grew larger.

I didn’t hesitate. Striding boldly into the cavern, I pushed my way through the ratmen squads, on a straight-line course for the portal. The time for caution had passed. Now, I had to be bold and hope the enemy didn’t realize what I was until too late.

As expected, the earth barrier encasing the exit had disappeared. But ratmen weren’t the gateway’s only protection. Standing beside the shimmering curtain, was the last savant. Casually, I shifted my hands closer to the hilt of my blades and readied a spell.

A brute waved me down as I drew closer. “Halt, soldier! Where you go?”

I didn’t stop. “Message for boss,” I said, gesturing to the savant.

A hostile entity has failed to pierce your disguise. Your deception has increased to level 91.

The brute frowned but let me pass.

The savant was turned the other way, listening to the report of another ratman. I had less than a dozen yards to go. Nearly there.

Suddenly the lieutenant stilled, and his head jerked around to stare piercingly at me.

You have failed a mental resistance check! An unknown hostile has pierced your disguise.

Reacting instantly, I released the spell I’d been holding.

You have teleported behind a ratman. Your telekinesis has increased to level 60.

In a split second, I covered the remaining distance to the portal, appearing behind the brute standing closest to it. The savant’s hands were raised, preparing a casting. He was too late, though.

Turning about, I dove through the gateway.

Transfer through portal commencing…

Passage completed!

Leaving sector 106 of the Endless Dungeon.


Jason Hornbuckle

It's impossible to kill 4 targets in 6 seconds. Try it on 4 trees in your backyard or something. While you're at it, try "killing" two trees at the same time, that's pretty much impossible too. It would make more sense to have the bespelled guards kill each other imo. Also, what happened to the trap on the boss's door when the hero left? If he deactivated it you might just want to mention that. Like the savant came in, so did he deactivate it then re-activate it? Or just deactivate it? Does it just not work if you open the door from the inside? Kind of weird. "Bracing my back braced against cold stone, I edged closer to the tunnel mouth" One of those braces needs to go

Eric M

I believe he was able to shadow blink through the door, so never had to open it, but I agree the 4 targets in 6 seconds is a big stretch.


He’s obviously super-human at this point so saying what is or isn’t possible based on what a normal person could do is a pointless.

Gerald Monroe

Exactly. How long would superman or The Flash need to kill 6 people? Some time measured in milliseconds or less, depending on what the comic book/tv/movie plot demands.