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However Kesh’s people store their wares, it was only a matter of moments before my items arrived, and I wasted no time equipping my gear and learning my new abilities.

You have acquired the basic ability: simple set trap. This ability allows you to deploy simple traps, consumes stamina, and can be upgraded. Its activation time is very slow. You have 6 of 20 Dexterity ability slots remaining.

You have acquired the basic ability: lesser lighten the load. This ability reduces the encumbrance from worn armor by 10%, consumes stamina, and can be upgraded. Its activation time is very slow. You have 13 of 14 Constitution ability slots remaining.

You have acquired the advanced ability: simple whirlwind. This ability empowers the caster’s limbs with energy, increasing the speed of his attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. You have the necessary skills: rank 5 two weapon fighting and a rank 5 light weapon skill to learn this ability.

This ability’s activation time is very fast, consumes stamina, and can be upgraded. You have 1 of 20 Dexterity ability slots remaining.

You have equipped a trapper’s wristband. Stored traps: 20 / 20.

You have equipped a potion bracelet. Potions readied: 3 doses of full healing.

You have equipped the belt of the chameleon. Current mode: combat.

The trapper’s wristband was a plain wrap of black leather that fit snugly around my left forearm. It was unembellished except for the stitching around its ends and a single blue rune in the middle.

The potion bracelet was just as unassuming. It was a sleek band of metal, sized to sit on my arm just above the wrist. Three runes were engraved on its surface, and simply touching a stone flask to each caused the liquid within to be absorbed and stored as a dose in the enchanted item.

The chameleon belt was the most interesting. Made of fine, soft scales, the item almost seemed to disappear against my black leather armor as I draped it around my waist. Only the polished black buckle at its center stood out. Toying with it, I saw that concealed inside the buckle were three studs. They were how I changed the belt’s active enchantment I supposed.

After I was done, I eyed my bank balance.

You have lost 1,645 gold. Money remaining in your bank account: 901 gold, 4 silvers, and 9 coppers coins.

I had run through more than half my funds and stifled the urge to acquire further items. There would be plenty of time for that, assuming everything else tonight went according to plan.

“What do you think?” Kesh asked, watching me test my purchases.

“They're exactly as promised,” I said.

“Excellent,” the merchant replied. “Now is there anything else that I can do for you?”

“Actually yes,” I said. Upending my backpack, I unloaded the loot I'd marked for selling. After a moment more of thought, I added a few more items from my equipped gear that had become redundant.

You have lost: a common fighter’s sash, a common thief’s cloak, an acolyte’s ring, 71 pieces of miscellaneous loot, and 111 alchemy stone ingredients.

“How much will you give me for all that?”

“Hmm...” Kesh murmured as her eyes roved over the loot. “Some of the items are near worthless,” the merchant said, holding up the fighter’s sash by way of example. “While others are much in demand,” she added, holding up the acolyte’s ring. “You sure you want to sell this?”

“Well…” I hesitated, debating with myself for a moment. “Could you exchange it for another ring of similar nature?”

Kesh raised an eyebrow. “Any preference for what you want boosted?”

“Strength,” I replied. It was my lowest physical attribute and unlike Faith I had more direct use for it. And while I wasn’t about to invest any of my hard-won attribute points in it, a few additional points from stat boosting items would be nice.

“Strength, I can do,” Kesh said. “Such rings are less in demand than Faith buffs—and therefore cheaper.” Setting aside the ring, she turned her attention to the remaining items. “The alchemy ingredients are worth a small fortune. Whoever you got to harvest them did a good job.”

I nodded in agreement. The merchant’s words also reminded me of something else I needed to attend to, and I made a note to follow up on the matter later.

“For all this I can give you...” Kesh closed her eyes and performed some mental arithmetic, “let's say on average ten gold per item, and two-hundred and fifty gold for the alchemy ingredients.” She opened her eyes to peer at me. “Rounding up, that makes one thousand gold. How does that sound to you?”

It sounded good. Very good.

It was a darn sight more than I'd expected and while I was sure Kesh would make a lot more from the gear, I valued the anonymity and ease that came from using the merchant’s services over the extra pennies I would receive if I sold the items directly myself.

“Deal,” I replied without hesitation.

“Excellent,” Kesh said with a pleased smile. She waved her hand over the items, and just like that, they vanished from the table. In their stead, a single ring remained. “Take it. That's yours,” Kesh said. “Your funds have also been deposited into your account.”

Picking up the ring, I inspected it before equipping it on my finger.

You have acquired a bull’s ring, +2 Strength. This is a rank 1 ring and increases your Strength attribute by 2. This item has no requirements to equip.

“Thank you,” I said.

Kesh, meanwhile, was studying the rest of my gear. “What about that medallion?” She asked abruptly. “Don't you want to sell it?”

“No,” I said.

“And the wayfarer’s boots?” Kesh asked, persisting. “For that I can get a tidy sum.”

“No,” I said even more firmly. “But speaking of the boots, do you have other items from the set in your stores?”

Kesh snorted. “In my stores? No. The boots and its companion items are part of a legendary set. Such items are rarely—if ever—available on the open market, and when they are, they are quickly snapped up.” She paused. “I could see about acquiring the other set items for you. For that however, I will charge an additional twenty percent commission.”

“Of course, you will,” I muttered under my breath. Raising my voice, I said, “Go ahead and look.”

Kesh nodded. “Don't expect to hear back quickly. It could take weeks, months, or even years to put together the set.”

I inclined my head in acknowledgment. “There's just one last thing before I go,” I said.


“As a merchant you have aether magic, don't you?”

“I do,” she replied.

I hesitated for a second while I formulated my thoughts. “There’s an... employee of mine in a remote sector that from time to time I will need to get into contact with. Do you think that is something you could help with?”

Kesh's eyebrows rose again at the strangeness of my request. “You’re going to have to give me more details than that.”

I sighed, realizing she was right, and then went on to explain about Saya and the tavern.

The merchant leaned back in her chair. “I understand now. You need an agent to act on your behalf, someone to serve as an intermediary between the tavern and yourself as the owner.”

I nodded, relieved she seemed to understand the gist of my requirements. “Can you do it?”

Kesh nodded. “Do you have the tavern’s bill of ownership?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Perfect,” Kesh replied. “If you appoint me as your factor, I can do all that you need, including opening an account on behalf of the tavern for you. Since you are already a valued customer at Albion Bank, it would be best to establish the tavern’s account there. Once that is done, I will establish contact with your tavernkeeper—Saya, was it?—and initiate any transfer of funds required between your accounts.” She smiled again. “I will do all of this for price.”

“Name it.”

“Five percent commission on all the tavern’s profits. Will that work?”

I thought for a bit, rubbing at my chin. “The services you provide as my factor, will that be covered under your Pact of secrecy? Will my identity as the owner be protected?”

“Of course,” Kesh answered.

I rose to my feet. “Then we have a deal.”


By rights of your bill of ownership, you have appointed the player, Kesh as the factor of ‘The Sleepy Inn’ in the safe zone of sector 12,560.

I left the emporium quickly after that.

It was time to check into the hotel. The night was still young, and the streets of the safe zone remained busy, and for what I planned on doing next, the less people around the better.

Finding a dark alley, I ducked within and changed the setting on the chameleon belt,  activating another of its enchantments. Clothes rippled upwards from the artifact to cover my leather armor in a pair of sturdy black pants, a white cotton shirt, and a brown duster jacket.

You have activated the simple mode enchantment of the belt of the chameleon. Your armor and weapons are now hidden.

You have successfully concealed ebonheart.

You have successfully concealed spider’s bite.

I ran my gaze over my new apparel. It was as unremarkable as promised and would attract less scrutiny in Nexus. Slipping out of the alley, I made my way to the hotel.

The Wanderer’s Delight was a building that stretched nearly ten stories high and was easily visible from a few streets away. The hotel’s location was made more obvious by the lurid glowing sign floating above its rooftop.

As I drew closer, I studied the building curiously. Stone crenellations topped the roof, and the windows running along its length were more arrow slits than the large, welcoming windows usual in a palace. However the Wanderer’s Delight had begun life, it had certainly not always been a hotel.

I stepped up to the open wooden doors guarded by two well-dressed servants. “Welcome to the Wanderer's Delight, sir,” the first said.

“How can we help you today?” the second asked.

“I'm looking for a room for the night,” I said.

“Of course. Please Come this way.”

I followed the doorman inside. The interior of the building was nothing like its bullish exterior and was stylishly furnished. Hotel staff and guests with everywhere, bustling around quietly. The doorman led me to a counter, where I paid for my room—at a hefty fee of ten gold per night. I didn't bat an eye at the cost though and leaving the servant behind made my way directly to my room.

The room was as tastefully decorated as the rest of the hotel. It came complete with running water—heated no less—and many other unexpected amenities. Locking the door behind me, I threw my pack down and threw myself onto the bed.

There was just enough time for me to get a few hours rest, and closing my eyes, I let sleep claim me.


Just after midnight, my eyes snapped open.

For a moment, I stayed unmoving while I focused on the surroundings. The hubbub in the nearby streets and the floors below me had died down.

It was not completely silent, far from it. From the sounds carrying to my sensitive ears, a few players still walked the streets. But I suspected that the conditions were about as good as they were ever going to be to scout the Dark quarter.

Rolling off the bed, I began getting ready.

I stowed away my backpack in a nearby cupboard. I intended to be back before the day was over, and the less weighed down that I was on this venture, the better. Next, I sat down cross legged and turned my focus inwards. It was time to see to my player progression.

First, I spent my attribute points, raising my Magic and Dexterity.

Your Magic has increased to rank 8. Current modifiers: +2 from apprentice ring and -1 from light armor. Magic skills and abilities limited to rank 9.

Your Dexterity has increased to rank 22. Current modifiers: +4 from wayfarer’s boots and -3 from light armor. Dexterity skills and abilities limited to rank 23.

Then, I turned my attention to my Class. I had four Class points available. My original plan had been to save them until I achieved a tri-blend Class. But the benefits of slaysight were too great to ignore and warranted the investment of at least one of my Class points.

Closing my eyes, I willed my intention to the Adjudicator.

Assessing player’s suitability for Class upgrade...

Class points available: 4.

Player rank: 8.

Upgrade requirements met. You may advance your Class to tier two at this time. Do you wish to proceed?

If you choose to advance your Class, you may advance any existing Class trait or ability, or select entirely new ones from a limited set of options. Note, if any of your Class abilities or traits are lost through a future melding, their upgrades will not carry over to your new blended Class.

I frowned at the Game’s response. It was not unexpected, given what I’d already learned of Class upgrades, but it implied more risk to upgrading than I anticipated. Still, it was only in upgrading the slaysight ability that I was interested, and I did not foresee losing the ability in a future Class meld.

A worthwhile risk, I decided and conveyed my desire to proceed to the Adjudicator.

Commencing Class upgrade…

Upgrade complete. Class points remaining: 3.

Congratulations, Michael, your mindslayer Class has been advanced from tier 1 to tier 2!  You may choose your tier 2 Class benefit now. Available for selection: three new Class benefits, or an upgrade of one of your existing benefits.

New benefit available: Mental Focus. This trait makes it easier for you to penetrate a foe’s mental defenses.

New benefit available: Hardened Mind. This trait makes it harder for a foe to assault your mind.

New benefit available: Prepared Mind. This ability allows you to precast a single ability, releasing it instantly when needed with no additional casting time required.

Existing benefits available for upgrade: Slayer's heritage and nightwalker.

Existing benefits not available for upgrade: slaysight. This ability requires telepathy of rank 5 to advance.

I stared at the Adjudicator’s words in disappointment, my gaze focused on the last message. “‘not available for upgrade…’” I muttered. “Bloody hell.”

I couldn’t upgrade slaysight yet. It made me wish that I could reverse the Class upgrade process, but the Adjudicator didn’t give me that choice. I had to make a selection.

If I’d known beforehand, I would have waited a bit longer before attempting the Class upgrade. After all, my telepathy was nearly at the required level, but once more, I was caught out by ignorance. I exhaled noisily. Still, there was nothing to be done about it right now and I focused on the new Class benefits on offer.

Both prepared mind and mental focus appealed to me. But of the two, I thought mental focus would be more beneficial, especially if I could keep advancing it. Decided, I willed my choice to the Adjudicator.

You have gained the trait: mental focus. This trait makes it easier for you to penetrate a foe’s mental defenses by increasing your effective Mind skills by 10% when performing a mental resistance check against a target.

With a sigh, I rose to my feet. For what it was worth, my Class upgrade was complete, and while the outcome was not what I’d desired, it was still beneficial. Now, it was time to put all my preparations to work.

Turning my head downwards, I conducted one last check upon myself. My swords hung loose in their sheaths, and my potions were in place and equipped.

I was ready.

Time to go. Slipping out the door, I made my way east through the quarter.



Oof, it pains me that he didn't have the patience to maximize his gains. And then didn't even get what he wanted.


This annoyed me beyond belief why didn’t he look for/buy a class stone? It would have been one thing if he asked if the merchant had it and it was too expensive or it would take too long…this move he did isn’t even in his character from how he moved before. This felt like something the the author wanted instead of the character if that makes any sense

Joshua Adams

Or why he doesn’t query the adjudicator on these matters.

Joshua Adams

On the other hand, I do think it gives characters more depth to be fallible and not all-knowing. I do feel that the adjudicator is kind of a fundamental part of the game though.


The good ones are already sold or too pricey and as the wolf envoy told him, he will alway find better class gems in the dungeon.