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Jamie’s Player Profile after visiting the Dragon Temple

Player: Jameson (Jamie) Sinclair.

Race: Human. Age: 24. Level: 55. Rank: Trainee.

Tokens: 67. Marks: 0.

Home settlement: None.


Might (mediocre), Craft (gifted), Resilience (exceptional), Magic (extraordinary).


Magic: channeling (55), spellpower (55).

Might: strength (10), agility (10), perception (10), vigor (24).

Resilience: constitution (36), elemental resistance (10), willpower (20).

Craft: industriousness (10), artistry (10).


Magic: air magic (55), dragon magic (55), death magic (55), earth magic (55), fire magic (10), life magic (55), water magic (55).

Might: anatomy (55), clubs (10), light armor (55), shields (10), sneaking (9), spears (10), staffs (55), unarmed (4), shortbows (10).

Crafting: blacksmithing (10), lore (55), scribe (6).


Unique: Dragon’s Gift.

Rank 1: Pioneer, Spider’s Blood.

Rank 2: Crippled, Quick Learner.

Rank 3: Primed Will.

Rank 4: Mimicked Core.

Rank 5: Twice as Skilled.

Rank 6: Spirit’s Invincibility.


Orcsbane (3), Lone Slayer (3), Explorer (1).

Active Techniques

Lore: basic attunement.

Air magic: night vision, shocking touch.

Death magic: wilting ward.

Dragon magic: living torch, fire ray, restrained flare, flare, magma buckler, flared conduit.

Earth magic: sinking mud, toxic skin.

Life magic: lay hands, life monitor.

Water magic: freezing sphere.

Trait and Feat-based: analyze, repurpose, invincible, mimic, magesight.

Passive Techniques

orc hunter, burning brightly, revulsion, seekers sense, slayer’s boon, tenacious.

Faction relationships

Orcish Federation: hated.

Forerunners: ally.

Sweetsong Merchants Guild: friend.

Equipped items

wizard’s staff, spider leather armor (damaged, missing gloves and burnt to elbow), silk clothes (no cloak), aquaine knife, backpack.

Other items

Three champion cores, Four elemental fragments of water, two elemental fragments of air, two elemental fragments of fire, two elemental fragments of earth, two quivers, backpack with rations, bow, pair of knives.

48 zelium padlocks, 1 jewelry box, money pouch with aquaine coins.

Sled with field rations, armor repair kit, a hunting bow, two filled quivers, and a dozen knives.



Always nice to see the stats