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Things did not end there, of course. 

The paladin kept fighting, sparingly using his remaining mana to activate hell’s helping hand to heal himself, but the battle’s outcome was a foregone conclusion.

And we both knew it.

So, it was no surprise, when a few minutes later, the big Sworn sagged lifelessly to the floor.

Malikor has died.

You have slain an envoy of Mammon!

You have fulfilled all your Pact obligations to the envoy, Tyelin. The Power Blythe is now Game-bound to provide your persona, Jasiah, with a 200,000 gold promissory note within 24 hours.

You and Ghost have reached level 235!

Your telekinesis has reached rank 19, your channeling rank 21, and your deception rank 23.

“That was easier than I expected,” Ghost said, coming up beside me to study the corpse at my feet.

I nodded. Remarkably neither of us had suffered so much as a scratch. “It’s only because we chose the right strategy.” I paused, then conceded reluctantly, “And for that we have Tyelin to thank. If not for the information he provided, things may have turned out differently.”

Ghost wrinkled her nose. “I still don’t trust him.”

I smiled. “Me neither.”

Crouching on my haunches, I studied the dead envoy. Malikor had been right about one thing. Even without his auras, my blades hadn’t been able to penetrate his plate armor. It’s a pity its heavy armor, I thought.

“Don’t forget the color,” Ghost added. “That red is horrible.”

“There’s that too,” I said, chuckling. “Still, I’m sure we can find a use for it.” Setting my hand to the paladin’s helm, I tugged it free. 

I had a lot to loot, and the sooner I got started, the better.

✵ ✵ ✵

It did not take me long to strip the envoy of his armor, and when I was done, I had all five component pieces safely packed away in my bag of holding.

You have acquired the legendary set, Asmod’s Suit. Like all legendary items, this set is indestructible and is said to have been the favored battle dress of the renowned hellish commander, Asmod. The armor is famed not only for its distinctive blood red coloring but for the relentlessness of those wearing it.

Asmod’s Suit increases your Constitution by +50, your Strength by +50, and your Dexterity by +50 when all pieces are equipped. Additionally, the set grants you the trait: unstoppable, which grants the user immunity to all forms of stuns, paralysis, and entanglement abilities. 

I pursed my lips as I considered the armor. The set’s bonus trait and attributes alone made it worthy of its legendary title, and that was not even accounting for the benefits provided by each individual piece.

“Malikor is going to miss it,” Ghost said.

I laughed. “Oh, he definitely is,” I said, considering the fallen envoy’s corpse again. Now that I’d removed Malikor’s armor, the rich assortment of gear he’d worn beneath was also plain to see. “I suspect, though, it’s not the only thing he is going to miss.”

Reaching down, I removed a pair of silk-soft gloves from the corpse’s cold hands. 

You have acquired the rank 6 item: healer’s friend. This pair of gloves doubles the effectiveness of any touch-based healing spells you cast. It requires a minimum Magic of 24 to use. 

“Hmm,” I mused. The gloves, while interesting, were of no immediate use to me. Stowing them away, I tugged free a gem-encrusted ring. 

You have acquired the rank 7 artifact: the Devil’s Signet. This ring may only be worn by a Sworn of Mammon. You are unable to discern its other properties. They have been shielded from inspection. 

I frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Ghost asked, noticing my expression.

“This ring… its rank seven. That’s better than any piece of gear I’m wearing.” Excluding my own legendary items, of course.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Most of the ring’s properties are shielded,” I replied. “The only thing I can discern is that it’s meant for Mammon’s Sworn.” I rolled the signet around in my hand. “I’ve never run across such an item before…” I paused, realizing the denial was false even as it passed my lips. “Actually, I have. Your spirit vessel is similarly shielded.”

“The Cloak of the Reach, you mean?”

I nodded. “I will have to remember to ask Adriel about how she managed that.” And if the same effect could be applied to the rest of my gear. Thinking about it further, I realized it made sense to obscure an artifact’s properties. It added an extra layer of protection to looted items, hiding as it did their true worth.

Reaching out, I yanked off another of Malikor’s rings.

You have acquired the rank 7 item: a Brimestone. This ring may only be worn by a Sworn of Mammon. You are unable to discern its other properties. They have been shielded from inspection.  



“This ring’s properties is also hidden.”

Ghost’s daze drifted back to the corpse. “Do you think the rest of his gear is like that?”

I sighed, suspecting that that might be the case. “Only one way to find out.”

Bending down, I got to work.

✵ ✵ ✵

You have acquired a cache of 21 miscellaneous items reserved for use by Mammon’s Sworn.

You have acquired the champion’s belt, +10 Strength. 

In the end, my fears proved well-founded. 

Barring one other piece, the rest of Malikor’s items were unusable by any but Mammon’s Sworn. Nevertheless, I still looted them. I also failed to find the envoy’s broadsword amongst his remains. Which could mean only one thing: it was soulbound.

My work done, I rose to my feet. From one perspective, the loot was… disappointing. I couldn’t use much of Malikor’s gear—but I could still sell it. 

Unfortunately, the list of potential buyers was vanishingly small. It’ll be a tricky sale, I thought, a smile stealing onto my face at the prospect. 

I turned to Ghost. “Let’s go—” 

A Game message flashed for attention.

Turning my attention inwards, I perused its contents.

You have completed the task: The Tenets of Wolf! You have responded to the Blades treachery, not with unbridled fury, nor with a forgiving heart, but instead, you have exacted a price for their betrayal. 

Those Blades you did not kill outright, you let die. Yet, you still aided the faction to achieve their aims in the sector by forming a Pact with their envoy and slaying their foes as ruthlessly as you did them. 

Well done, scion. You have tempered your desire for vengeance, but at the same time, still answered the slight to Wolf. In the process you have established Just Retribution as a core tenet of your new House. Staying true to this principle in future will see your Wolf Mark deepen. 

Straying from it will see your Mark weaken.

Just retribution. I smiled. I like that. 

Surveying the room, I considered the other corpses in the feeding chamber. I doubted most of them had Sworn-locked items and looting them would likely yield many usable—if lower valued—items.

“Do we search the others too?” Ghost asked, guessing my thoughts.

I shook my head. “Maybe later. For now, we have to find Jone. It’s past time we finished matters in this sector.”

✵ ✵ ✵

Jone was no longer in the kitchen, but as deserted as the fort now was, Ghost and I had no trouble locating him. 

“Wait here,” I said to Ghost as we drew to a stop outside the closed doors of his quarters. “Let’s not scare him just yet.”

The pyre wolf’s ears pricked up. “Just yet?”

One corner of my lips twitched upward. “That’s right, just yet. If he proves… uncooperative doing so may become necessary.”

The pyre wolf sat down on her haunches. “I’ll keep watch.”

Nodding in agreement, I shoved open the door and stepped into the small room beyond. Jone was at the far end, a knife clutched in a white-knuckled grip.  The Blade’s spy was a man past his prime, with a balding head and a face lined by many years spent outdoors. 

He certainly looks like the fisherman Tyelin claims him to be, I thought.

“W-wh-o a-are-e you?” Jone stuttered.

“A friend,” I replied in a soothing tone as I advanced further into the room.

Jone shrank back.

Drawing to a stop before the frightened man, I held out Tyelin’s package. “I’m here to deliver this.”

Consternation flickered across his face. “W-what’s that?” he asked, his panic easing in the face of my non-threatening posture.

“Cynacilin,” I replied.

The fisherman’s confusion did not lessen. “What’s cynacilin?”

I frowned. “Poison.”

Jone’s eyes widened as his fear returned. “Y-you’re here to kill m-me?”

I rolled my eyes. “No. The poison is not meant for you,” I said, annunciating each word slowly. “This is a delivery only.” It was becoming evident that whatever else Jone was, he was no more than a patsy in Tyelin’s scheme. The man didn’t even know what I was talking about!

I shoved the white packet closer to him. “Take it.”

Once again, Jone made no move to comply.

“Go on, take it. It’s safe,” I urged. “Tyelin sent me.”

Something besides fear grew in the fisherman’s eyes. “You’re not a Rider?”

I shook my head.

“And you know what I am?”

“Tyelin’s spy. Yes.”

Jone’s gaze flickered back to the packet in my hands. “What am I supposed to do with it?”

I shrugged. “I have no idea, but the Blade envoy wants you to have it.”

The repeated invoking of Tyelin’s name seemed to do the trick and this time around, Jone did not refuse as I placed the cynacilin in his hands.

You have lost a packet of unrefined cynacilin powder. 

You have fulfilled all your Pact obligations to the envoy, Tyelin. The Power Blythe is now Game-bound to grant your persona, Jasiah, a single favor at a time and place of your choosing. The favor will be equivalent to the worth of sector 75,172.

I exhaled in relief. I’d done it, I had finally completed Tyelin’s bogus Pact, and now his Power would be forced to honor the deal we’d struck. 

Poor Tyelin. Blythe is not going to be happy with him.

Ghost snorted, eavesdropping on my thoughts. “It’s no more than he deserves.”

Before I could respond, Jone spoke. “Do I open it?”

Glancing at the fisherman, I saw he was staring hard at the innocuous parcel he held.

“Better not,” I murmured, then smoothly swiped the packet from his hands.

You have acquired a packet of unrefined cynacilin powder. 

“Why did you—” the startled fisherman began.

But I was already halfway out of the room. “Don’t worry about it,” I called as I closed the door behind me. “It’s better you don’t know.”



THIS is how u start a Monday!!


There is a Doble “that” in this sentence. I sighed, suspecting that that might be the case. “Only one way to find out.”


But I wanna see him loot Tyelin and the other elite!!! 😭


That'll come in a few hours. I had to split the looting chapter in 2 because it's so long. Lol


So the Paladin didn't had any secret power ups lol. That being said "Your telekinesis has reached rank 19" I thought you've forgotten about Ghost's Astral Bite in previous chapter skill gains despite she's supposed to be using it constantly. Good to see it being covered in this chap.


Excited to see the looting! Time for Michael to run away with everything.


I’m surprised the game let him take the poison back. I guess since jone didn’t tell him to stop the game didn’t take it as him reneging on the deal?


Game pacts does not seem to care about spirit of the contract only exact wording.


I wonder whether sworn only items can be instead disasembled for useful parts instead of selling them for pittiance as MC after all has now access to whole city of crafters.


Lmao. Poor Jone, all confused and alone

Alexander C Hyde

“No. The poison is not meant for you,” I said, (annunciating) each word slowly. (Enunciating), not (annunciating).

jb qspam

That’s actually a normal use of the word. Google (with the quotes but not the brackets) [“that that” grammar]

Jkorry simmons

Im excited the first envoy has been killed by your hand wouldnt you get a game message about it? and do you think beacuse your a power that did it mammon knows or was alerted ?

Alexander C Hyde

You have acquired the rank 7 item: a (Brimestone). Is brimestone correct, or did you mean brimstone?


Thanks to his deception no one was able to identify him. So both powers will get a notification saying jasiah had killed your sworn


I was curious how Tom was going to nerf some of the gear. I mean… 200,000 and a fort full of bodies he is bound to come out way ahead, however it’s great that there is some game mechanic in place that explains why players are not constantly stealing artifacts from each other. Just like when I play BG3 or whatever… I’m alway trying to steal loot off unsuspecting “proles” 😅


Hopefully he has enough time to loot nearly two-thousand bodies. Even if half of them he only takes one item. Everything’s looking up for him, I’m half expecting him to die before he can leave the sector given he’s got 4 lives now.


From searching “that that grammar” on google: Yes, “that that” is grammatically correct in English. It might sound odd, but there are cases where using “that” twice in a row makes sense. This usually happens when the first “that” is a relative pronoun, which introduces a clause, and the second “that” is a demonstrative pronoun or a conjunction.


That would be his telekinesis though, Ghost has separate skill level-up notifications.


It’s not just him he has to equip now, though. He’s got to figure in the Bane Wolves company, the twins, his apprentice among others. Plus Kesh did say the other Wayfarer items would cost a lot more so that 200k will be spent quick.


The envoys suspect Jasiah is a fake name, but they don’t know anything else… malikor is prob the enemy that knows the most about MC and his capabilities to this point.


Yes. But I don’t think MC sees it as his responsibility to equip everyone…. Ceruvax isn’t helpless… like his people can benefit from his conquests but it’s not his purpose to go give them the best gear. They need to prove themselves capable… else someone more cunning will just outwit and kill them and take the legendary items etc


You're right. I haven't noticed it at the time and thought it's Ghost gains again after skimming through. Welp, it seems that Ghost has missing Telepathy gains in previous chap.


``` I nodded. Remarkably neither of us had suffered so much as a scratch. “It’s only because we chose the right strategy.” I paused, then conceded reluctantly, “And for that we have Tyelin to thank. If not for the information he provided, things may have turned out differently.” ``` IIRC Michael's elemental absorption isn't high enough to avoid damage so this statement doesn't feel accurate.


I took it as him not taking “so much as a scratch” referring to his and Ghost’s ability to dodge any melee damage. While Malikor had his auras up he took unavoidable ‘elemental’ damage yes, but even still he didn’t take a ‘scratch.’


You're right, I actually meant to say he and ghost were not struck--physically. Will correct the phrasing.


Thanks for the chapter! I wonder if Michael's Protege will one day be able to make use of that powder with her poisoning skill.

mark janson

There might be a way to remove the sworn only enchantments from items.


I don't think so as otherwise this kind of enchantment would be useless. I believe it exists because players have multiple lives and imagine having to great your whole army several times after it loses. That being said as I said before there could be possibility of dissasembling them and creating new stuff from precious materials.