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how is everyone? I'm still feeling the cold early this month. No worries, it usually goes down within weeks, it was like this too last December lol. So updates might come a bit late here, but I will catch up on it :D If you notice I might be a little inactive in social media, its (still) because of shadowban (sobs), im more active on Tumblr nowadays. If you want you can follow me there, but no worries if you dont want to, since this place will be the more updated ones compared to there 

(koko2unite.tumblr.com for rambles, kokotwounite.tumblr.com for art)

if you have more suggestions on what i should do on the last stretch of 2023, a character you would love to see, or how to improve my art, i would love to hear it :D thank you yall <3
