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I've been wanting to draw this guy for quite some time! He's from a game that has been unfinished for quite a while, heard its on development hell or something. I remember hearing about it when I was in high school, and just found out that it's still being developed. Let's hope it'll get finished soon, because the characters are so cute and I want all of them.

by the way, what do you guys think of watermarkless?  usually I just watermark everything and pretend its my signature or something, but I thought let's not put watermark on 4K files (that can be downloaded through MEGA) that are in here, instead just signing it. I don't know, it feels more personal haha. so I did that for this Cyrus pin up and maybe the alter vikdecai pack. what do you guys think about it? let me know!

*4K and uncompressed can be downloaded through discord/mega, click for details



Viana Sausage

God I remember this game. Wish it gets updated eventually.