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*contains slit play

Hehehe I finally finished it! This was so much fun honestly, always wanted to draw slit play, probably not a lot of people HC Papa Titan as having one but I think it fits well <3 The other guy is just my OC, I was wondering if I should draw him more and I think this would be a good chance lol, more interesting than drawing a floating cock

Also, I thought I made a cute logo to go with it. Maybe I would do this more later on, who knows maybe when I start drawing faster (I keep saying this for months lol) maybe I would go and make full blown doujinshi and then print them and sell on cons HAHA, but probably not in local cons because locally sourced homophobia and laws

As an apology for taking too long, I was thinking of uploading timelapse of me working on this. I usually do this only for study purpose or Tiktok/Youtube, but since my TikTok is shadowbanned and my Youtube is flopping catrastrophically, I've been storing most of them personally in my SSD. If you guys are interested I could start uploading them? Somewhere I'm not sure though, because size-wise they are heavy heavy really heavy....

By the way, what should be next month's theme? I am not really interested in Halloween because I don't really have halloween themed characters I can think of, I do want to draw object head but I think I don't want to draw them as part of the poll. Maybe cat/feline characters?? What do you  think?


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