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My Twitter got hit really good, recently. Seems like everything I post got hid as Twitter consider them as violating TOS and I can't make another account because I'm IP banned (yeah its that bad). I don't really understand why, emailed Twitter Support about it but I only receive bot response.

So I decided to rebrand! I think the pourwatter name already been considered illegal in some way. That, and I don't really know what to do to fix it.. I don't think I did anything, to be honest.

I will announce the changes tomorrow. I just posted this so you aren't surprised, like who is this i'm subscribing to? its still the same person, just different name.

The rebrand will affect everywhere, hopefully! I'm not sure how other social media, except Twitter, behaves when you change your username. So I have to check first.

Thank you for sticking out with me!! Here's to better year next year!!!

PS this is not my first time trying to rebrand (as syalanko before), but back then it failed so hopefully this time it works.

PSS I might return again to Twitter but honestly I'm really tired of it. I really suggest you to follow me either on Tumblr or Instagram, preferably Tumblr. But it's OK if you don't want to, every artwork I post publicly will definitely be posted here! So don't worry too much about it!


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