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Also, we have another fan fiction that I'd like to call out:
Lina's Breast Expansion Journey

Very fun stuff.

As for what I did though, we've had a fine final week of Lina production. I probably could have cleaned things up a bit more... but instead I just made heaps of new content. Not quite the super mega weeks from a few months ago, but it's close.

First of all, if you kiss Lina after the movie now, she doesn't get burnt... she's into it.

Secondly, during the friday night, if Lina isn't sneaking into your bed, she will call you over to hers. Plenty of fun to handle there.

Then, we've got some actual Lina plot stuff. If you've had a bit of sex with Lina, and she's got about 5 love. You can hang out with her on sunday night. She's never been great at communicating but you might be able to get a couple of words out of her.

And if you do, she'll even leave you a present.

Similarly this scene is her progression event... and I worry that I'm a little subtle with Lina here. But if I am, I can always fix it later. Still, this is key to getting two mails, both pregnancy related. One is just Lina announcing something to you. The other is from Lin, if Lina tried to join the pregnancy club as well as you asked Lina about her thoughts on pregnancy.

On top of this, Lina might also try to show her love for people in another way. Some nice cuteness on top of things. This will happen on Monday early morning if you have gotten Lina's progression event.

There is also a couple of updates for things like the characters responses when you leave.

For story time?

Eh... no story time this week. Go read the fan fic instead.

Next week we launch into some of our favourite lawyer as we push Cassidy forward half a corruption level.

- Love Nunu



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