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Dev Log 0.35c: Gah! and Random Poll

  • Pregnancy on all the way, also Haily Preg obviously (This will happen anyway) 479
  • Pregnancy off, dev for anything other than Haily Preg (Next week will be Haily Preg anyway) 70
  • 2024-05-30
  • 549 votes
{'title': 'Dev Log 0.35c: Gah! and Random Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Pregnancy on all the way, also Haily Preg obviously (This will happen anyway)', 'votes': 479}, {'text': 'Pregnancy off, dev for anything other than Haily Preg (Next week will be Haily Preg anyway)', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 30, 16, 46, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 549}


Firstly, in case anyone of the relevant tiers missed it, tis SCENE REQUEST time.

Few, surprising amount of stuff going on this week.

But first of all, Lin development!

Weirdly... this started with a little bit of cleanup. Some scenes that should be able to happen when you've got the Alex and Lin relationship corruption happening. That is, the hot tub BJ from Alex. Had a few technical difficulties with it but such is the way with large group scenes. After all, the hot tub might be the single largest piece of content in the game, and there is still more of it coming.

Similarly, Lin has a few almost sex scenes that just deserved to be sex scenes. It didn't really make sense that she wouldn't do anything when she is so ready and willing. Thusly, when asking her about herself in her room you can now also request some relief, which she will oblige if the mood is high enough (with some concessions if she has accidentally blue balled you).

But moving on from that. I feel there are just some parts of characters that I don't think I'd expressed very well. Like... The general opinion of Sami is that she's kind of a tomboy, interested in working out and athletics. I don't blame people for thinking this... That is what I have been expressing. However, the truth is, Sami's a girly girl, we just don't see that side of her at the reunion. Exercise isn't mutually exclusive for that, but for Sami it's always been a stress outlet and she's just really really stressed.

And Lin is a character who can really help bring that out in Sami. Specifically in the bathroom on Saturday Early Morning.

Then to a lesser degree, a new Lin dream that was so close to being an actual scene, but needs Sami C5 first.

It's something that I came across as I was writing all this.

And that is, Lin, as a character... has absolutely no tension on her own. You put Lin in a room and she will say exactly what she means draw her lines clearly and is pretty immutable from that point onwards. Part of being C5 is that the characters character development is done. The only thing left is for them to commit pregnancy (which is still a ways off for Lin, given the Lisa angle).

When you combine her with another character though, she really shines. Obviously she has been a great facilitator for Carla, and this week I used her with Sami. And I've just come to the conclusion... Until it's time for her to get pregnant... There isn't development left for her to do as for as dedicated sprints go. And that's just kind of that. Of course... we'll still be seeing an awful lot of her, just in other peoples stories.

Finally, Firetruck swung in with something people have been asking about for quite some time. Asking Cassidy, surreptitiously, if you can use hypnosis for breast expansion during her hypnosis lesson.

So that wraps up this weeks work. All up, certainly plenty of fun happening.

Next week I will be starting on the scene requests, but like last time I'll be running regular development along side it. In this case I'm assuming Haily pregnant would win, because Haily has never even come close to loosing. She is just to adorable.

So instead of the regular development poll, I've got a question:

Early in development, someone asked me if pregnancy would be optional. Now I wasn't planning on that, but it was easy enough to do, so I changed the plan and now... pregnancy is an option that you can switch off. Disables all pregnancy content in the game. All up this might have cost 4-5 dev hours.

But the question is, out of curiosity, how many of you use that option? Even if it was off by a landslide, pregnancy's not going anywhere and similarly if it turns out to just be that one guy, I'm not removing the toggle. I just want to know.

- Love Nunu


Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Man, I just wanna see the MC really give it to Lin. Where she thinks she might have teased him a bit too much and unleashed his beastly side. Really ruin her, in a good way.

Bob Mackerton

Lin's character to me comes across as "I know what I'm getting into, but worry that the other girls and MC don't", so it always made sense to me that her scenes and willingness to do things with the MC escalated as your corruption of the other girls did. I always thought Sami's girly girl side only popped up in sequences outside of the reunion as a reaction to you pushing away from her during the reunion, as an effort to please the MC, so it's interesting to hear it's meant to be more of a reflection of her true self. Maybe that girly side should be more heavy-handed in her C5 interactions? Love her either way, which is a credit to the team's writing.


Hmm, hypnosis BE, sounds like a fun idea, especially if it can have compounding effects on our BE fan :P

Callahan Darc

I've said it before, I'll say it again and again: I want to see Cassidy Pregnant, even if it's only a dream sequence!