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Really sinking my teeth into Sami development. Now you can walk in on that scene that was mentioned where Alex and Sami share a bathroom together on sunday at noon.

But part of Sami C4 is also the change in her attitude towards you. You've been sleeping together for a while now and a bunch of old scenes don't make sense. I didn't get to go over all the changes I wanted to, but the ones I did were fun.

There is the scene where Sami blows her top when she finds out that Alex is pregnant... Doesn't really make sense for you to be gobsmacked at her being naked. Of course this means I also had to rewrite the sex scene... oh no.

Similarly if you tell her you're sleeping naked the next morning when Alex is hiding under your sheets... That's not really something she's worrying about.

There are a few other small additions around the place, but to be honest? I wasn't really satisfied that I was capturing the essence of Sami C4. So I wrote a nice little addition to the hottub scene. Which I'll let you see for yourselves. I look forward to adding in more of these to really get into Sami's feelings.

Sami has always been an interesting character. Full of aggression, tension and confusion. Finally I manage to get into the nitty gritty of her exact problems, not that she's a great communicator... But I feel there is enough there. Really the first version of this scene was pretty lacking and I had to go rewrite it.

Besides that there was just a few things to clean up. Some missing sprites had been found that I remade, a couple more still on the list. An annoying bug had found it's way into the android release and my fix for it was almost worse than the bug itself... But it should all be sorted now. Or contained at least?

It's a long list of stuff I've written here, but it's still hard not to compare myself to last weeks MASSIVE changelog. All in all, this week was above average and that's probably why I'm not going to be up until 6am. I'll probably even get to sleep early!

As for story time?

I might be getting covid again, but that's yet to be determined. All I know is that I work better with covid than I do compared to that week where I was rubbing eucalyptus oil in my eyes. It helps that covid is not the disease it used to be, and as previously stated, I am unreasonably healthy all things considered.

Anyway, I suppose it's time for me to capitalise on that early finish time instead of waffling on!

- Love Nunu




I think this is my favourite dev log title so far.