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I really like school uniforms okay?

Here are some of the sketches I've done in the last months, I normally don't post them so enjoy! I might do this more often! I really hope I can finish one of these some day lol.

Ps. School uniforms here in Mexico often have a polo shirt so I wanted to make some drawings to represent that! 




Okay, the hands actually applying the tape gag is such a good touch of detail!! We need variants in the future where the person doing the tieing and gagging has there hands there putting on the gag, and maybe like one where they're pulling the crotch rope tight. Such an amazing touch, but more work I know, unfortunately


That's actually a great idea! I also love the sequence showing the damsel's tying and gagging. Of course it would mean more work but anything can be done with proer time management, don't worry, my dude.