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For 136 days now, every evening I open YouTube and before going to bed I watch one of our war correspondents, who was quite accurate in his forecasts and thanks to this, as well as his charisma, became the talisman of Ukraine during the war. (Many consider him second in media importance after Zelensky)

And during all this time, he said a lot of things, for which everyone disassembles him into quotes, makes memes and hates him.

However, I respect him for the fact that he was able to attract not only the Ukrainian audience, but also the audience of Russians. It was a great surprise for me to find out how many Russians watch him, trusting his words and, thanks to his arguments, changing their attitude towards the authorities in the country.

His channel (Russian/Ukrainian): https://www.youtube.com/c/arestovych




A crucible like war will often show the best and worst. I'm glad he's been able to report so much, and it's amazing that he's been able to reach a Russian audience as well! I'm also glad you're able to provide a positive meme to go along with the negative ones that either do not believe him or are created from Russian trolls. I feel like he would appreciate being depicted as such a ferocious and loyal animal!