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I'm powering through some X-Men movies! X-Men and X2 are on the channel, I watched The Last Stand and Origins Wolverine on my own and then this one. Next I'll watch The Wolverine on my own and come back to watch Days of Future Past with you guys!

Movie runtime: 02:11:43

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XM Fi Cl 2011 Full Length Reaction

Download options: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-on-full-99864012 Main Channel https://www.youtube.com/@jenmurrayxo


Who Are These People

Yeah, like I said under your X-Men 2 reaction, X-Men 3 was a mess and Ratner ruined it. Sorry you wasted your time on it, but I did try to warn you. 'The Wolverine' is a mid-quality character piece, at least more competently produced than Origins (but then, what isn't, Origins is considered by fans to be the worst X-Men movie). Skip it if you think your time can be better spent with better movies. In fact, after Days of Future Past and Logan, you can use your time more effectively skipping Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix, they're boring.

Vwlss Nvwls

I do not care what anyone says. These movies are very well done and enjoyable. I am willing to accept all the flaws to them, because they are so well done.