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 Hello everyone! It's already passed weekend, but weekly report is here!  

Ugh, I'm really sorry for the delay, but I really wanted to show you at least one H animation. ;_;

Anyway, here's the works I've been doing during this week.

1. Deadline for ID card ended :

Thank you so much for the participant.  :D I've gathered informations, and now I'm  organizing the data. also I found minor issue. I got the Kanji address ;_; sadly the current font on ID card don't support the Kanji or Chinese word. So I might need to contact some of you to fix this problem.

Also there are two patrons who don't have history.

Eh, more like can't find their account at all X_X;

I presume they mistyped their information. 



If you are reading this, please contact me.

Also, those of you who claim the ID card from now on will be applied on next update(V2.00)  Thank you so much for the participation!

2.Bit change on gold card :

[Click this link to view image] 

I changed character's name just as I got requested:)

3. EXstage 2 Boss A's attck pattern :

 [Click this link to view image]  

Body blow! >:D

 [Click this link to view image]  

Weak roar. His roar won't damage the player, but it have special effect on boss himself. It'll grant him super armor. This super armor will make him ignore an incoming damage for single time.

 [Click this link to view image]  

Falling rock. Remember the attack pattern from last week? 

Yep, this one is for that pattern. :D

4.Deadbody for Arcon Derek(about 99% done) :

[Click this link to view image] 

I'll add facial expression for final touch. :3 

what do you think?

5. Fenrir is working on 17th HCG right now:

I hope he can finish them before the WIP build release date.

6. April build will be released on Apr 16th :

I'm sorry it's not 9th. I really need time for organize the stuff for the finish up the boss pattern and I also need to balance them. so far I haven't had a chance to check the difficulty of EXstage 2 boss battle X_X;;

Also fenrir need time to finish his 17th HCG. If he manage to finish 17th, I might able to add 2 HCGs on upcoming build. (but I'm not sure he can finish it in time X_X;;)

...and that would be all for this weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you on next weekend!



The armor will just block a single time damage? I thought a armored boss means RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:20:49 oh, then I'll change it based on game difficulty >:3
2017-04-05 05:49:03 oh, then I'll change it based on game difficulty >:3

oh, then I'll change it based on game difficulty >:3