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Hello everyone, progress report is here!

1. Homunculus-chan's sprite animation:

Transformation animation. 

when player try interacting homunculus girl, 

she will transform her body into bipedal <-> quadrupedal form. 

there's nothing special function about it, but it shows how she transforms.

Cooking animation

Basin carrying animation.

Sweeping animation

Carrying luggage

Wandering while quadrupedal mode

2. Adventurer tag (working in progress):

Adventurer tag for patrons. 

Just like Anthophobia, Player will be able to collect these items.

Also, each tag contains following images.

3. Applying spine animation for heroine (working in progress):

This may not very noticeable😭 but when you compare with sprite animation, difference is very clear.

Noticeable animation 


Smooth high frame + less memory usage. 

..and that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have a question, please leave a comment on this post!



Oh this looks great! So is the hub being changed into a 2d scrolling area looking at how the homunculus-chan's sprites are done. Or is it more like you are in a menu and she just has animations that play depending on the tasks she is doing?


yes, I'm trying to change the viewpoint of hub area. There are lot of test and big changes on going right now. X_X) It took me quite long time to convince the programmer, but I don't regret this decision. project will be change big and fast from now on.


The Homunculus is already my favorite lol


I know, right? While heroine have most high-resolution images, homunculus have most sprite animation than any other girls haha XD