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Hello everyone, progress report is here!

Also, Happy new year!

First of all, I must apologize to you all. I've been keeping myself in silence quite long during last two month. I'm sorry everyone, I was working on big pixel images, but I couldn't finish it in time, it made me delayed work progress very long.

I've introduced the sketch of Basilisk few months back 

Here's the pixel art version.

following image is example image. 

final product may look different.

Basilisk is a huge, invincible monster that player can't defeat. the only way to deal with it is avoid and stay outside of it's sight

Basilisk's left and right arm. 

they indicates the exact moment of basilisk's attack actives  

Example image of basilisk while attacking. 

final image may look different.

(Bright red color warning)

While basilisk attacking, any black colored background tile that considered as "empty space" will turn into red and player and any hostile monsters will constantly take heavy damage unless player/monster evacuate to the safe tile

Basilisk's attack animation

Basilisk is about this big. 

Q: will there be any interaction with this monster?

A: I have plan to add some bounce effect if player try to melee basilisk, and make her wet when player shoot enough water

New Trade NPC - Giant Slug lady

..and that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have a question, please leave a comment on this post!


Dmitry F

Lovely art, very happy to see more again.

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 07:27:14 Thank you! I'll do my best! <3
2023-01-04 02:35:16 Thank you! I'll do my best! <3

Thank you! I'll do my best! <3


I love how the tattoos and jewelry on Basilisk stand out when it attacks. Great pixel art as always!

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 07:27:14 Thank you! &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3
2023-01-10 11:27:29 Thank you! <3<3<3

Thank you! <3<3<3