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Hello everyone! Weekly report is here! first of all currently I'm still working on the single H animation for the Female zombie, I'll upload them later on this post as soon as possible! anyway, here's the news & stuff I've been working this week!

1. Fenrir is back : 

I talked with him what was wrong, and He said he's having family trouble.  well, I'm not going to mention the detail to save fenrir's privacy. Well, I just hoping He solve his problem ASAP just like he did the earilier this year.

2.Now I'm working on the 6th boss's boss room :

[Let's check this link to figure the entire prograss ]

I think I the 6th boss will be finish earilier than the 5th boss right now. most of graphic source is done finished except the H animation. 

3. 6th Boss's Animation & single frame image silhouette :

[Link] [Link2 ][Link3 ]

Now I gotta work with the programmer to make sure the boss battle works properly. :D

...and that would be all for now!  so far, I have two main goal for this month :

1.Finish the Female zombie's H animation(6 of them total)

 2.Finish the 6th boss(except the protagonist's H animation)

I need to finish at least 1 H animation during  this week to finish the other 5 sprite animation before the Dec 1st. I gotta work harder!! >:3

Alright, I'm still working on the [female zombie <3 Crawling cage&normal zombie] H animation right now, I'll upload it on this post as soon as I finish them. 

Until then, Have a great weekend everyone! I'll see you soon!



So Patreon still haven't fix image linking?

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

Pretty good news . Glad that Fenris is back and hope all is well. The first pose from the boss is giving me a vibe similar to the Pillar men from JoJo.