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Hello everyone! Monthly progress report is here!

Download link will be available on this page as soon as the upload progress is complete! Please revisit this post!


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You must visit Patreon post page for download!

Try to download the WIP build by click the download link below!

[Click here to download the WIP build] [Mediafire] 

[Click here to download the WIP build] [Mega] 

*Both of link contains the same file. *

Version Information: V0.1.6.8

Important announcement:

[ February WIP build and Monthly report post] was deleted

[ March WIP build and Monthly report post] will be deleted on May 8th.

Key binding:

WASD: Move around

Mouse: Aim

LMB: Shoot

Shift: Dash

Space: Dodge, Response selects, Turn dialogue to next page

[C]/[V] Key: Change attack type

Tab: Open Inventory

E Key: Examine / Pick up Item

ESC: Pause, check heroine statues

Arrow keys: Control time

*Debug: Left/right arrow key for fast forward/ backward time

Change log:

1. Added: More breakable objects (crate box)

2. Changed: Now carts tiles are breakable (WIP)

3. Added: Mimic H sprite animation in test room

4. Fixed: Some H animation didn’t play properly (either too slow or plays wrong frame)

5. Fixed: Now all Hydra type monsters attacks the adventurers too

6. Fixed: Hydra’s lighting won’t damaging adventurers

7. Fixed: Hydra(M)’s guided spear didn’t target the adventurers

8. Fixed: Porter was not taking damage from monsters

9. Changed: now when porter runs away from player but when she’s met obstruct, then she’ll hide behind her own bag

10. Changed: Heroine now no longer start with max dirty level (will not spawn flies from begining)

11. Changed: Porter’s backpack shield became more precise

12. Fixed: Storing items more than max item in storage caused item to disappear

13. Fixed: the trap installed treasure chest in test room will no longer spawn chest infinitely

14. Fixed: Camera movement no longer cause sprite image shaking & tearing

15. Fixed: Old camera setting in some room interfered current camera movement code

16. Fixed: Serpent clock image kept drawing black background

17. Added: Trader NPC. Player can buy or sell, or fix relics. Player can find him in starting area for testing

18. Changed & Added: Now I’m working on a new north area map to optimize the game. The room size became 1/3, but individual area became much bigger because I used more room for north area. Old map is replaced to new one. Currently all areas are connected, but due to the area is still in development, the some areas are almost empty.

19. Changed: Lance knight and Axe warrior’s fainted pose changed

20. Fixed: Sometimes wizard become dumb and does nothing but walking around

21. Fixed: Porter suddenly disappears when certain condition

22. Changed: Now breakable objects drop more variety of items.

23.Fixed: Due to the newly added collision check system, boss room was inaccessible. but now fixed

Known issue:

1. Due to the newly added human fights vs monster feature, it causing heavy frame drops right now. therefore, I need to find a way to optimize it, or redesign the area size into more reasonable size

2. New collision check system causing slime stuck sometimes. player can escape by using dodge move, but it need to be fix asap.


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