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Hello everyone, progress report is here!

1. Regarding Anthophobia basic moveset remake :

Regarding the sprite remake working on Anthophobia - Yes I'm still working on it.  here's the image comparison between original and remake I've been working 

These images will be uploaded on dev blog and twitter as well :D

2. New setting menu:

3. Resource indicator improvement :

Now resource indicator blinks & change the color to indicate which resource requires for attack.

Ex : 

Normal shot - Blue uses blue energy

Cannon - Yellow  uses yellow energy

Gatling - Green - uses both blue and yellow energy

4. New DBS spawn animation :

Now zombies can pop out from the ground :D

..and that's all for now.

I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have a question, please leave a comment on this post!



Remake of anthrophobia? Does that mean redoing all those H animations or just touching them up a bit? Also is this poor girl forever nippleless for her basic sprites? Lol.


No no, it's not full remake. remake of sprite images for basic moveset. such as walk/run/jump/attack/etc. it'll be part of anthophobia update :D


I like it. Especially the new idle animation. The new run animation though... doesn't feel right. Like there isn't enough urgency behind her run even though she's surrounded by zombies. The old run cycle feels pretty good though.


Oh you are right! I felt something was bit lack, but I wasn't sure what was missing. Thank you for the comment! I'll try change the facial expression. :D


Do I as someone who bought it via patreon also get access to the update?


Yes, Do you still have a message / email from me that was sent during the Anthophobia v2.00 was released? If you do, You will be able to download update as soon as I release it by revisiting that message again. If you don't have old message, I'll send a message to you.


Worry not! I'll send you another message now. try save them this time! :D