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Hello everyone, Weekly report is back!

During this week I haven't done much graphic works since I was working on the SFX works and play testing for the bug hunting. but anyway, lets take a look ::

1. 5th Gold Card : 

Now I have only one patron who didn't give me proper response. If he don't give me the message, then I have no choice but push his reward to the next major update.

2. Now I'm working on the Dead body rewards : 

here's the first image i'm working on right now.

Dead body of the "Erica Brynn", Of course I'm working on it now to make it animated. for those of you who didn't checked the old post, here's the another dead body animation that I've finished earlier:

This is final version. :3


If you didn't registered your name on the list, and still want to put your name on the ending credit credit/ID card, please visit [THIS PAGE] 

And one more thing, I see some of you gave me a real life address for make this ID card. Please don't. Exhibiting your privacy might cause you, or someone include me in trouble. I'm fine with joke, or fake address such as "in your heart" or "Yamete st. Kimochi town 696969". but the real address- I can't add them in game. 

It might end up hurt someone.


IF you register yourself AFTER the OCT 31st, I won't be able to put your name on the ending credit/ID card/etc until next major updated. 


After OCT, $5 tier reward will no longer receive the full version of the game. This change will only effects to NEWCOMERs who make a pledge AFTER the OCT 31st(which is NOV 1st). 

if you are current(BEFORE THE OCT 31st) patron, and ever had successfully processed your pledge.  you will get the full game+future updates anyway.

and $10 tier pledge reward will be add on the pledge page. 

this pledge reward will give the full game as soon as the pledge processed successfully. 

so that's all for now. I'll finish up the gold card rewards on the next update. then work on the ID card /censoring for the DLsite release. 

until then, I will see you on the next weekend! :D



I'm in a hentai game! XD These are coming out so great!