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Hello everyone! how are you?  Weekly report is back. 

I'm really sorry about report delay but I must apologize again. I'm sorry.

I finished two H animations but I'm still working on the last animation 

which is big image one.

but don't worry, I'll keep working on it and I'll update this post and add the image on it as soon as it's ready.

Now let's take a look:


If you didn't registered your name on the list, and still want to put your name on the ending credit credit/ID card, please visit [THIS PAGE] 

And one more thing, I see some of you gave me a real life address for make this ID card. Please don't. Exhibiting your privacy might cause you, or someone include me in trouble. I'm fine with joke, or fake address such as "in your heart" or "Yamete st. Kimochi town 696969". but the real address- I can't add them in game. 

It might end up hurt someone.

Alright, back to the main topic:

1. Female zombie <3 Crawling Cage

2. Female zombie <3 Devil Tongue

3. Female zombie <3 Noise Chaser

This part is what I'm still working on. I'll leave the still image 

I will update this part once I finish the animations.

Alright, here's the finished one. :D Thank you for the waiting!

Alright, this is all. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll update this post once I finish the 3rd animation. then I will start to draw the gold card rewards to finish the project(1.00 version). then I'll work on the censoring for the DLsite publish. :D woo hoo!




How many gold card rewards will there be total? And good luck on the censoring for dlsite, I think the sprite should be ok for dlsite, but the CG art would need to be censored


It should be 5 gold cards, but currently 2 gold card tier supporters didn't gave me a proper answer for their card making process. so If they don't give me the info, then total gold cards in game at the release will be 4(Include you)