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Hello everyone? How are you?

Another Weekend and Weekly report is back!

This week, I updated the public demo!

1. Public Demo Updates 


Change Log :

1. Strip action added

2. Female zombie now can hold 2 monsters(normal zombies)

3. Female zombie now react to bald head zombie

4. More  door Through bugs fixed

5. Radio white noise sound effect added

6. Radio Skip function added

7. Radio skip sound effect added.

8. Female zombie's voice added(still need balancing)

Known bug :

1. obtaining cloth items cause music stops


2.Female zombie <3 Spore shooter

3. ( Not finished) Female zombie <3 Normal zombie #3

ugh, that's all for this weekend, I spent too much time on the bug hunting and testing the demo. but it was worth it since I was able to found some critical bugs.  Anyway, I'll bring more stuff on the next weekend! 

until then - have a great weekend!




Okay I don't know if this is just me being derpy but I can't get through the wall that has the little alart sign about fuel and quarintine......in the previous version I could but now nope....


But I spammed the "E" button at it and nothing happened and that's all I had to do in the previous demo which I just double checked that as to if that's what I did.... :S


I'll check it out to make sure everything is ok. by the way, have you found gas canister? It's right inside of "locked room" you can find this room near the generator. You need gas to operate generator. if generator not working, it might be because it's out of gas.


Um I found two rooms which was locked in both versions which I couldn't find ways of opening one was right at the first checkpoint and the second was where two normal zomies were and that tankier one is and I have back tracked to try and find a way to open them but nope nothing.


Oh wait......there's a glitch with the previous version where you could crawl through that gate :S I've found the proper way in the latest version now derp though that stun lock with those bud shooting plants.


Okay yep I was dumb ish as I didn't realise I missed a key and such since I didn't understand that I somehow got the key to the aparment door already somehow......and I've beaten the demo over three times now and so my first suggestion to improve this is make it so that you can view the keys you have and that the keys match up to the apartments or doors or explain in the tutorial about the keys. I did also find the stun locking of the pee shooters be kinda annoying as I couldn't try to break out of it faster and the bud plants at the boss part seemed to have a weird hit box at times along with the yellow ish buds H scences being hard to get.


XD Thank you for the feedback, that spore shooter's hypnosis effect duration is much much shorter(1/2 duration) if you play easy mode. you can change the difficulty by visiting option tab. :D


Ah yes I noticed that after I tried easy mode but still it kinda just feels like "welp I just got hit and I'm dead" as I can't struggle against those spores to decrease the time they effect her for, fo for example if I didn' break free before rape starts then the rape would be harder to break and if I did break it which could be the duration of the easy mode minium then it's the normal diffculty with breaking the rape.


Oh yes um.........do you want me to suggest ideas for the game or keep out of it? Because I haven't seen what you have planned for the final version of the game.


Well..........................you may regret that as......with the female zombie instead of having her shred off all your armour or go immedately towards you when her "lust" becomes max, instead she takes off one layer of armour and once the lust maxes you have some time to throw a glowstick at a group of zombies and so she goes to them and does some of them instead of just going straight for you. Also maybe a way to make her stay still with the glow sticks too like she stays by one for a lot longer as she "plays" with it or something becuase it just dissapering is kinda "huh what happened to it?" Going on with the female zombie when she does graple you the other zombies around you at the time just watch a little but will join in after a little bit as I see no reason to avoid letting her grapple once she has grappled me once. I also find the spore shooter to take off your health really fast if it gets going which I think should be reduced while making it so that the spores amplify how mcuh button smashing you need to do to escape a grapple. Thinking about stuff further maybe......a sorta option to get hints from the character as if you stay still for a long enough period which has something locked or requires something she'll start to ponder and give little hints maybe as to what she was meant to do. For example with the generator one if I just kept hitting on the apartment door in the allway she'll say "maybe there's a key in this hallway " and at the generator she'll look inside the room and seem things from an apartment and say "maybe I should search an apartment" another point would be when picking up the key she says about it. An explination on the xombie apocolaspe as well as the female zombie too as I'm currently thinking that plants rose up or some genetic plant went out of control and I've been guessing everything with the female zombie. As always a gallery of the rapes/grapples would be nice and maybe you could have them be unlockable from killing a certain amount of them as form me just the pictures are nice to look at but.....being part of the gallary maybe just something she collects from the zombies like some tissue or sperm sample as then there's a hidden ending where she finds some way to stop the plants or something like that. Now I'm needing to think about these suggestions but.....I find it kinda annoying how I need to reload but I have a bullet left in the gun but not enough space to shoot it and reload without getting attacked so.....maybe a single bullet counter which when you get 6 you get a clip and so that way you can get another clip without wasting bullets accidently through reloads. Another problem I have is going down from ledges so......maybe using glowsticks to gather zombies in one place if they aren't already close to you or hit by you so like for the example with the one bullet left you can fire the bullet and then throw a glowstick in front of you and semi distract the zombies for a little bit so you can reload as in the elevator fight I found it increadably hard to reload the gun as crawling around did nothing to avoid the arm hits that go right across. I currently have to go do something else now so I have to stop but I'm out of ideas that pop into my head straight away though......I think I've over suggested :S sorry..................


An invulnerable period after taking a hit would really help. Too often I'm ganged up and that's it.


well that's what I'm saying with the glowsticks so you have somethign to get out of jail free.


Thank you for the suggestion, first of all, the basic concept of the spore shooter is "Not touch the spore" since you can easily avoid them or you can kill the spore shooter before the spore fall, so i'm not going to give him any changes. Second, about the key item, I'm going to make the 'gas canister' more noticeable. third, I'm still testing with female zombie right now. I hope I can make it better. :P lastly about story, well... this game is not about 'finding a cure' XD


I know that your not meant to touch the spores but it's hard to do that with the rate of fire of the shooters and how the spores work making it so that you will get hit by them after a certain point if you try to hit the shooter. Secondly a sign maybe? Third, that sounds interesting of whats to come maybe. Lastly I was meaning a cure being a sorta hidden ending or something else, just a cure is the obivious ending but other endings are nice as well.


hey also are you able to manually charge someone or can you only do a charge once a month?