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Hi everyone, How are you? weekly Report is back.

1. During most of this week, I was creating the tutorial room : here's the screen shot


you probably noticed there's nothing on the right side of bottom floor. right?

there is a reason for that.

2. let me introduce the new monster :


This? These? well, whatever. they are merged couple zombies named "Match maker"

This couple - they just love each other so much, 

so they want make sure no other zombies get near them.

Which is mean include heroin.

so If this couple found the protagonist, 

they will scream to call the other zombies 

After screaming, they will hide themselves into their honeymoon flower.


They don't attack the protagonist, because they are happy satisfied couple.

but they WILL put the protagonist IN TROUBLE if the protagonist is in their sight.

How to avoid them? : 

They can't look their bottom since they are hugging each other too tight.

so stay low, and keep crawling. 

*This idea is from Mook. Thank you Mook!

still thinking about adding one more, alarm type monster. 

to make jump attack useful.


3. This was kind a waste of time but... :

I was trying to draw the preset of the Citizen ID card image for male, which is the image for everyone.

but not sure about it.




Hmmmmmmm.... simple is best huh?

Alright, that all for this week. I'll bring up more stuff on next week!

Until then, see you on next weekend!




Nice updates! I have some ideas: 1. How about some running zombies? 2. Low stamina animations: heronine can still run and jump, but she runs slower and jump lower. (also alternative jumping and attacking animations for low stamina) 3. Low health animations for heroine? (standby, running, attacking, crouching, etc) Obviously these ideas require a lot of work, if you and other guys are interested too. You could make it as a milestone goal. About the citizen id card, I think the third option is more suitable since not everybody have same skin color and hairstyle. Also if its possible, I would like to ask to permit we customize id card portrait for ourselves (that will make the collectible item a lot more interesting). :) Sorry asking a lot of requests straight in first post here. I know how hard it is for you to work on this great game. I hope it get even better and I will make contributions as long as I am able to do.


What a cool idea for a zombie! Looks awesome!

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:26:36 1. I'm saving the runner zombie idea for next milestone goal. here's the keywords that I been thinking : Red light green light / Pepper bull / Dandelion 2&3. Great Idea! but I don't think I can get positive answer from my programmer. should've thought about that before I start this project X_X); I'll note that idea anyway. If I can't add it on current project, I'll just add them on the sequel. 4. About ID card. Yes, right. I'll make it into shade form just like the third one, but in detailed shape. the customized citizen ID is good Idea, but the problem is I can not put any unidentified third party resource, it may cause the copyright claim. and giving someone customized image may make someone feel unfair. V_V Lastly, Thank you very much for the support. I'll work hard to prove your support is meaningful!
2015-05-18 06:14:25 1. I'm saving the runner zombie idea for next milestone goal. here's the keywords that I been thinking : Red light green light / Pepper bull / Dandelion 2&3. Great Idea! but I don't think I can get positive answer from my programmer. should've thought about that before I start this project X_X); I'll note that idea anyway. If I can't add it on current project, I'll just add them on the sequel. 4. About ID card. Yes, right. I'll make it into shade form just like the third one, but in detailed shape. the customized citizen ID is good Idea, but the problem is I can not put any unidentified third party resource, it may cause the copyright claim. and giving someone customized image may make someone feel unfair. V_V Lastly, Thank you very much for the support. I'll work hard to prove your support is meaningful!

1. I'm saving the runner zombie idea for next milestone goal. here's the keywords that I been thinking : Red light green light / Pepper bull / Dandelion 2&3. Great Idea! but I don't think I can get positive answer from my programmer. should've thought about that before I start this project X_X); I'll note that idea anyway. If I can't add it on current project, I'll just add them on the sequel. 4. About ID card. Yes, right. I'll make it into shade form just like the third one, but in detailed shape. the customized citizen ID is good Idea, but the problem is I can not put any unidentified third party resource, it may cause the copyright claim. and giving someone customized image may make someone feel unfair. V_V Lastly, Thank you very much for the support. I'll work hard to prove your support is meaningful!

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:26:36 Prepare for the animated version! >:D
2015-05-18 06:17:00 Prepare for the animated version! >:D

Prepare for the animated version! >:D


Oh, I got it, thanks for considering my ideas! I will sure provide more once new beta version is out. ;)