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Alright, weekly WIP report is back! Great! Here's the list I've been doing this week 1. Bullety's finish move(Pregnant -> birth -> then this) 

2. Boss 2's End H anime sprite 

3. Boss 3's finish anime(still working on it.) 

  (update from 11/03/2018 - unfortunately, the image above was corrupted and couldn't recover. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience ;_;)  

4. new monster : 

Remember the joke monster from Chapter 1 right? Now he got a new cheesy pattern. and yes, he's joke monster. so he don't have any dangerous move. (He can only deal tiny damage on the protagonist.) nor H anime. He might be little annoying tho, but no worries, you can gumba him! Step on him and it will makes the protagonist jump higher than usual. Mook gave me this idea. Thank you Mook! :D 

5. Introducing female zombie : 

Original : 

Redesigned : 

Yes, it's one of my goal so I'm not going to make the sprite of her right a way. not now, not yet. This is just an example for you that what you will get if we reach goal. 

6. introducing G.MILF type female zombie : 

 Well she's not animated yet. but you will see it later. All of the female zombies are non hostile monsters that only targets male zombies. They are like the supporter NPCs for make your game play easier. H anime? YES 

Next week Goal : 

1. Prepare next month WIP release(Primary) 

2. Keep working on H animations!




VERY impressed, the pregnant finishing move looks really cool, and I love the long arm wrapping around the protagonist on the 2nd Boss' animation, creative! The ground monster is a good touch, pretty cool that you used the joke monster from chapter 1 too, he was looking a little underrepresented in chapter 2. that female zombie is a really large sprite, that must be a pain to animate, but I believe in you! keep up the good work guys!


I know this might be a ''No-no'' but with these kind of arts in it finest animation i would love to see a male characther with the same ''Afraid expression'' as the female characther got but not in the same way but from that it could be awesome if the player had a choice between female or male characther to choose from and yes i know it would take a TON of new animations for it, it was just a thought and sorry for my bad grammars :


I like male character with afraid expression too, but never thought about putting them in this game because of the storyline. hmm, I'll think about it.


What does the "G" in G.MILF type stand for? Giant? Whatever it is, I hope you can reach to goal to get them in the game. Regardless, the finished product ought to be awesome even without all the added stuff.


Yes, it stand for giant. or gigantic! :D and you are right, I must keep refine the game both inside/outside.