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Hello everyone, weekly report is here.

I'm really sorry for the silence, I've been working... I mean more like I've been struggling on making giant female zombie's walk cycle animation.

The reason why I struggled, the output didn't satisfied me at all, 

Giant female zombie's sitting pose by the way :P

The reason why I spent so much time on Giant female zombie's walk cycle animation, it's because the player will see this animation most of time during gameplay. 

I couldn't put it in such a low quality. ;_;

Anyway, here's the walk cycle animation.

and here's the tentacleless version.

On in-game build version, giant female zombie will spawn fireflies around her body to make her look more twinkling. :P

and that would be all for this week. I barely managed to put giant female zombie in game, but unfortunately, I wasn't have enough time to work on stage 4 area ),:

Also, Monthly report will be postpone Oct 16th 2017.

I'm really sorry, I wasn't have enough time to work on WIP build. 

I need more time to test the WIP build ;_;

On next week, I'll start work on next gold cards and Stage 4 map area. 

Oh, Since the giant female zombie's basic animation is done, Now I have to contact the voice actress for recording. 

so That's the best news of this week I think :D.

Have a great week everyone. 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you on next week with more pixel animation and project status report :D


Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

Aw yeah. That sitting pose is killing it. I wish you and the actress well for the recording. It's gunna be good


Thank you. I hope I can get voice file soon this time, so I can add it right away :D