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 Hello everyone, weekly report is here! 

It's been quite busy week since the release. 

Now I really need to focus on V2.00 materials so I can continue the update without lack of resource problem. X_X;;

1. Regarding sprite remake :

I decided to make the remake the H animation of following monsters

- Normal zombie : Normal zombie was the first monster I made when I start the Anthophobia project. I was fully aware that It need to be remake. since You gave me a chance, I'll do my best to remake it in much better shape.

- Giant flower zombie : Original GFZ's H animation is kinda simple, and everyone want to replace it to better one. I had same feeling but didn't have chance to fix this problem. Thanks for the giving me a chance to fix it everyone :D

- Devil tongue H animation : for DT, I'm not sure if I have to remake entire animation set or just add ending loop. I'm not sure. please leave your thought on the comment section!

2. ID card claim page is now opened :

Right now I'm sending messages who where support this project during April 2017 - June 2017 so they can claim their ID card too.

If you want to know the detail about ID card, please check this [Link] 

3. Giant female zombie's egg laying animation :

(about 80% done)

Only Climax part remained :D

4. Goal of this month :

- Finish the giant female zombie's sprites, and apply it in game.

- Draw the [Kitty female zombie <3 v1.50 monsters] H animation.

- Make a big list for new H animations

...and that would be all for this week! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you on the next week!



for devil tongue i would personally say its more of an ending animation loop


Which one is the devil tongue again? I think the zombie that is mostly a ribcage needs work too (all it does is walk back and forth while fucking, it really needs something more)


I think I'm fine with additional loop. I like the current animation of DT before climax. I just think it's quite short before clinax including the bull zombie.


DT would benifit from a ending animation loop. I feel with the sprite model that the jaw could open full like a lilpad to reveal the full tongue and possibly a main appendage for the end loop. This would also satisfy the more vore adience since a swallow frame can be added for a transition. Just some thoughts.


Don't worry about 2.0, you've done pretty well on DLsite! Just take your time!


Hmm... any idea for ribcage? Personally, I thought the Crawling Cage(ribcage) 's H animation was the best end tho..


Hmm, I'll ask to programmer. I'll try to make armored bull's hold damage stronger and make the animation takes much slower.


Right now all it does is walk from left to right while fucking. There is no conclusion or climax to the scene. I would say that it planting itself and blooming flowers while it uses our heroiNE would be a good start


Hmm, I not sure how to change it since walking around while H animation on going was the main point of crawling cage. If I add something, then I'll have to change everything to make it 'move' @_@a


I've been thinking this all day, and here's my conclusion. I'll try it. I'll try make it and let's see the result :P


Here is my idea. After walking around it plants itself, continuing to use our heroine, then flowers bloom all around obscuring her except only her legs which keep struggling through all the flowers, only to strain and go limp with each climax.


a little bit sugestion, H animation x ray for boss 5 b can be better when moved from upper side to right side, because when you zoom the action, the x ray animation is missing


Oh, you mean boss B's ground attack H animation, right? Thank you for the mentioning, I'll try to fix that! :D