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Hello everyone! Weekly report is here!

1. Last week I promised to finish the H animation but...

I'm still working on it... X_X; Ouch... I'm really sorry everyone. 

Here's the finished/redrawn H animation.

[Click this link to view image ]

[Click this link to view image ]

 I'll upload the rest of H pixel animation it as soon as I finish it. 

2. Censoring HCGs and Sprite files... :

I really hate this part most X_X; but I need to do this for Japan market.

Oh, don't worry about patreon build/NA build. 

They will be uncensored version.

3.Good news : sfx part is done.

I applied most of sound effect in game. so sound part? 100% done. bam

and Fenrir is working actively on his last illustration.

4. WIP build release date : 

It'll be May 14th. Most of contents for V1.50 will be in this build. but it's not fully balanced yet. so I might need some feedback for it X_X;

Also,  I'm not sure I can add the last HCG on this upcoming WIP build since it's all up to fenrir's working speed. 

5. Introducing G.Milf type Female zombie :


[Click this link to view image ]   

Original image from 2015

 [Click this link to view image ]  

Redrawn Design type A

 [Click this link to view image ]   

 Redrawn Design  type B - Personally, I like this one. what do you think?

It's been quite long since I introduce the giant female zombie in public. 

This giant female zombie will show up on V2.00. On first stage. Player's goal is protect yourself and this giant female zombie. Player can ignore this lady and leave her behind, but that would not be the wise decision. >:3

6. So when will you going to release V1.50? 

It'll be early(2nd weekend) ~ mid(3rd weekend) June I believe.

Even If I finish the project earlier,  Market needs to review the project before release. and this takes about 1 ~ 2 weeks. if they reject my project, that'll take extra a week for review.

....And that would be all for this week! 

I hope you enjoyed it,  I'll see you on the next weekend!



I like the design type B, either.


I like both G type, I think it depends on where she showed up. May be you can keep both variants? Also, no need to be busy/sorry~


This has been on my mind for a while now....will 2.0 be effectively Anthophobia 2? Or just an update?


V2.00 is just an update. Anthophobia V2.00 ≠ Anthophobia 2 Anthophobia 2 will be a total new project with subtitle under its name. (ex : Anthophobia 2 ~ 3 years after~)


Hmm, she'll only show up on single stage tho... If I use both design, i'll be waste of resource I think @_@;


someone probably said this before but have you considered like a bonus game where you play as a female zombie or the protagonists gets corrupted ?


I could consider to make a mini game to play as female zombie, but corrupting the protagonist will be impossible option because corruption will be the main content of sequal.