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Hey Grizzly Patrons! 

Happy Thursday to you! Here's a video for you with bloopers from the last 2 videos I pre-recorded for us, and the jellyfish song at the end for those who don't know it yet (I make up lots of songs at home haha). See previous post for the photos that inspired this clip! 

I have a livestream coming up for the DELPHI Supreme Court of Indiana hearing today... I am going to start 2 hours after the actual hearing starts so that I can de-fluff if need be or summarize/bullet points, etc. I think it'll be a more organized and concise way for us to handle the hearing today, hehe! 

Hope to see you there? https://youtube.com/live/NY2PuP0ntT8?feature=share

Thank you so much for being a Grizzly Patron!




Sylvia Hernandez

GK u make it look SEAMLESS💙✊ BTW.. Our cat doesnt like a spongebob song my son plays to get her attention when she's being mischevious ...when played for her.. She 1st slaps your hand, 2nd play..she bites u. Gently 😂...we have a black mini panther cat Ember Rose ❤🐾🐱. She was scratching and not so friendly 1st month but now she is playful and so sweet🤗💓

Pamela Bomersback

It's funny I do the same hand movements over my kitty's face from way back then getting closer to her face pretending it's a ship from outer space landing over her face while doing a space sound getting closer to her face and then finally clasp onto her littke face - but of course I never get that far when she hears the spaceship coming she gets fiesty and scratches and play bites on me!! Same idea as jellyfish. She loves/hates it depending on the day!! I love my fur baby - but lost my sweet tripod (3legged) “Ditto” last summer. I still think about her all the time!! She got the name Ditto - because we had had approximately 7 black cats over our lifetime - and the previous name “Shania” and “Summer” just didn’t stick. So she became Ditto 🐾