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Hi Grizzlies! 

I have a livestream coming up a little later: https://youtube.com/live/QecjqT9AsQc?feature=share

This case is really crazy, buckle up! And trigger warning! It involves a mother, daughter, and boyfriend who are accused of being involved in murdering a pregnant teen to snatch her baby.  The daughter just pleaded guilty and faces 30 years in prison, the boyfriend was sentenced to 4 years in prison and the mother will be on trial at the end of January! I am not sure if the trial will be livestreamed (and the details may be a little too rough to stream), but let's see! 

Hope to see you there! 





elizabeth earnshaw

I am very surprised that Clarissa has been charged with battery and not murder for the death of Marlen's baby. The baby was brain damaged and ultimately died due to the extended period he suffered from lack of oxygen when that moron Clarissa was ending the life of his mother by depriving her of her oxygen supply over a 4-5 minute period. She might as well have had a cord around his neck also. Such stupidity is frightening in the extreme. Sometimes district attorneys overcharge, in this case they have, I believe, undercharged.


This is so horrific. I really do want to see the trial. I know it will be a hard one but damn, I want to see Justice