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Here's the replay of the YouTube member's stream I just finished for those who are patrons-only. 

I've made YouTube membership start as low as $1 so that everyone can get the best of both worlds. Streams are so much easier to host on YouTube for members, while Patreon is excellent to share videos, documents, photos, and other formats of perks. 

Patreon is the superior source of support, so I am beyond grateful that you are here on Patreon, thank you so much! 

Now, it's 3:30 AM and time to have some rest! Timestamps for my livestreams always take long but they are so worth it - if you watch the trial replay it will be easy to navigate between witnesses and key moments throughout the day. 




Lorrie Dobson

This girl is bat shit crazy!!!!

Liz Bethel Henderson

OMG!! I love The Trial pic w/ psycho. That’s perfect🤣🤣