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Hi Grizzlies! 

In case you'd like to read through the document that has just been leaked before I read through it today, I've attached it for you

Oh my word! I mean... if it walks like a duck... 

I've never really taken a good hard look at this guy as a potential suspect because when I started covering the case the Delphi community was very vocal about NOT pointing any red flags at him because he had been "cleared as a suspect". The Indiana State Police put out social media statements about him and now after reading the document I am even more curious about what is going on in this case?! I must say, he walks like BG, he talks like him, and he owns the property where the girls were found (and where the document says their bodies were "moved" and "staged" on). 

My question is: who was Ron Logan friends with? (He passed away in January this year). Imagine if it was Tobe Leazenby, the Sheriff, oh my word! Or why are they protecting him so much if this is the information that they had? (which was kept hidden until a podcast bust it wide open). 

Also, let's say it turns out that this was the killer... well, then I have many more questions! Like, why did the ISP release those 2 confusing sketches and say the killer was between 18 and 40 years old. Hmmm! 

I will be continuing with my LISK (Long Island Serial Killer) coverage this weekend, sometimes one just has to stop what you are in the middle of and switch gears- hope to see you there later! 

Drop your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to read them! 





If he's the one.... there is evidence buried on that property. The "bodies were moved." He would "have to have blood all over him." He may have led them to a structure... then moved them from there afterwards. Somewhere out there is a lot of evidence buried, like video.... weapons.... missing clothing.

Donna Southerland

I was just watching the youtube video and I think the word might be sharp weapon. I didn't want to put this on YouTube, but I have heard from more than one person that they had to put scarves on their necks for their funerals. I have heard more but do not want to go into that detail. It's just too awful and of course it is just word of mouth but from people who were there.