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It's been quite a day since finding out that Naomi is no longer with us. I am not amused by a small percentage of the audience's comments, so I've decided to start a little "spill the tea" type "tea time" here in case you're interested in the behind the scenes events that go on in my day-to-day Grizzly world. 

It has taken me years to stand up for myself and to USE MY VOICE. Starting a YouTube channel was my plan to start doing that- but then my channel grew exponentially and I had to learn VERY quickly to not just "develop" my voice, but USE it to fight for the things I believe in, for the victims of crime and definitely for their families. It's so easy to say distasteful things in true crime and I think my core values are what set me apart in the true crime genre. It would've been the easiest thing in the world to say "Naomi is probably long gone and Troy is a serial rapist and killer", but that is incredibly painful for the families of victims of crimes to endure. I do feel that a lot of responsibility comes with covering true crime cases - it's not for fun, for clout, or to sit with an audience and think up all the gross things someone is capable of. I have finally had enough and instead of just silently reading the "tea-type" comments, I'm calling people out on what they are coming to my channel to say. 

I have two cups of tea for you today (disclaimer: you dont' have to agree with me or defend me, I'm just sharing it because... it's tea time!) 

(1) Commentor said: You were so snarky yesterday toward Troy Driver's coworker who was so sure he had killed her, but he was right! Of course the family wanted to keep hope alive, but it wasn't realistic and as a true crime author and expert you should've known better, especially when it turned out that the suspect had been involved in a murder before. He may not have pulled the trigger in that murder, but it takes a sociopath to participate in a murder plot and dispose of a body. Of course this guy abducted, most likely SA'ed her, and killed her. He might have done it multiple times to multiple women and I wouldn't be surprised if more bodies were found.

My response: Reminder: He was also so sure that Ledcor was covering up for Troy, that he got fired for talking to the FBI and that her body would be at either of those 2 mines. None of that was true. So sure, let's address the one thing you've picked out- he was "right" about Troy being a murderer. As true crimers, we all knew this was a very likely outcome, but in this community we have some restraint and that is what I was being snarky about. One doesn't go around assuming and spewing such graphic things and then ask for it to go viral.   Snark is always expressed where appropriate and is my own opinion, rightly stated so. I was not snarky towards his comments about Troy's potential to be a murderer (possibly even serial killer, as much as I have not yet presented this, I am investigating that avenue). I was snarky towards his entitled attitude towards Ledcor and his clouded judgment based on his ego being bruised about the situation, which is very likely unrelated to Naomi's case. Troy was 17 years old when he helped dispose of a adult male victim's body. That is totally different to abducting young women and potentially (likely) S/A'ing them and murdering them. The "I told you so" narrative is something I accept with an audience who comfortably sits and watches me present cases to the best of my ability. It is my job to cautiously and responsibly cover cases, as well as to show the families respect, especially because not only am I in contact with them, and have had them on my show, but because they are watching the shows, as in many cases. I am here to present their loved ones case as best I can and not to hold back "in case" a disgruntled alleged (he has not provided any proof) coworker's Facebook rant is "sorta" true. Naomi's family specifically spoke about how hurtful it is when people say "she's dead!", and this guy was talking about scattering remains with no regard for the family seeing it. So yes, I was so snarky. And in my mind, justifiably so. "Should've known better" - that was the precise approach I took instead of telling the world and Naomi's family the crass things I know people like Troy are capable of.

(2) Commenter said: I said from the start that she was gone. Was told to be optimistic and hopeful, so I stopped posting. This poor woman had made ZERO contact in over 2 weeks. Wish you could give an opinion and not get told you're out of line. 

My response: The family had hope. We all did. Your comment was "right" in hindsight- and inappropriate at the time.  It's easy to say 'DUH! THEY'RE DEAD!!'. It doesn't take more than common sense to reach that conclusion, and it is nothing to be proud of. Even if we thought it, we had the manners not to say it. For the sake of the families, for the sake of humanity, we will ALWAYS have hope in this community and the outcome is not always so grim! There have been other outcomes. And you will be told off if you come along with blatant, cold, and disrespectful comments in an active case. 

I believe I am building a community of Grizzlies who truly care about fighting for justice of victims of crime and for their families. And I will continue to voice the boundaries of what I present to the world. 

But yes, of course it was bad news when they arrested Troy and there was no sign of Naomi. It was very concerning at that point, and I do speculate that he has done this many times before. Will we ever know how many times? I doubt it. I also think it's very bold of him to leave her car where he did (or even to put her car there later). He is one cheeky mofo who will hopefully have his bail revoked, be sentenced for committing murder (or be exposed as a serial killer, if he is), and spend the rest of his life eating lumpy po-tater's for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 




Erin Olsen

I do not know how you deal with the attitudes of some people! Perfectly written response! My take away is to act as though the family is present in the livestreams or chats during a presentation. Have some empathy people!

Ewa Edin

Well said Gisela 🌟❤