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Hi Grizzlies! 

David Robinson is making his way back to Arizona to continue to search for his missing son, Daniel. It would be great if Buckeye PD could be there for the upcoming Saturday searches and show interest in this case because it represents so many others. One could easily shrug a case off as "just another missing person", and with approximately 915 people going missing in Arizona just in 2021, I can empathize with the overwhelm that law enforcement might experience, even though it is their job to investigate all cases. I will provide their email address at the end of this post- perhaps we could each take 10 minutes to email them to remind them of David's plea for care and assistance in the search for his son, despite their reasoning that there are no signs of foul play and they don't have a case. They do- a Missing Person's case... and a father who will not give up until he finds his son. 

We need to reignite our humanity and I believe that social media is a powerful tool to bring us all together and fight for justice for missing people and victims of crime. It's 2022- one cannot just disappear off the face of the earth and ask families to "just accept it".   David demonstrates the resilience we would all want to see in our parents if we ever went missing- to not just accept a shrug of the shoulder and let it go when there are no answers yet. Whether Daniel is found dead or alive (and we can remain hopeful that he will be found alive), he needs to be brought home.   

Daniel disappeared on June 23rd under suspicious circumstances- his family knows him better than anyone, which you would also say if one of your loved ones went missing- because it's the truth. It's hurtful when people who knew Daniel for 15 minutes or 1 night or don't know him at all want to tell David what his son was really like- he wasn't some high-as-a-kite pothead with no regard for his own life or his family's- (and even if he was, why does that affect how one views a missing person's case?)... David has told me a lot about Daniel, which is behind the scenes (for those who think there is some "on camera agenda")... and Daniel seemed like a highly organized, successful in his own right, educated young man with his whole life ahead of him. I hope to meet him and David one day and to give them both a big hug- I am yet to see a parent who fights as hard for his child as David does. Mine sure don't fight for me and they have no idea if I am dead or alive (since 2012)- some parents give up very easily on their children, some don't care at all, and some abuse their own children- it's a fact of life. So based on your emails and letters, I know that many of you can relate when I say that David doesn't even know what an extraordinary father he is- and how much we care about him and his search for his son.   

Daniel is a geologist who bought his own car, had his own immaculate apartment, and who is loved by his parents, sisters, friends, and coworkers. He will turn 25 on January 14th. He spoke to David for 2 hours at a time very often, candid father-and-son conversations that they both enjoyed so much, the last time just before he went missing. This has been devastating for David, and because he is an army veteran, he knows the drill when it comes to pushing things aside and just focusing on the task at hand- and that is to find Daniel. There are many people wanting to grab David's attention to offer their help, and that is great- but please know that he has the right to choose who helps him- and I understand that feeling all too well. Sometimes the experience is scary when someone is pushing and making demands, already setting conditions, for the help they want to give. David wants to feel safe and supported in his search for Daniel, without people saying "Accept my help or else I know you have an agenda". He is not being picky for the sake of being picky- he is carefully selecting with years of experience discerning red flags himself who he keeps close so that he can ensure that the people by his side want to help him find Daniel, and not just close the case down or push him to accept that his son "walked off into the desert (naked) on his own- I'd like to see anyone accept an answer like that if their loved ones went missing? And we know from studying other cases that it's so often far more sinister or complex than an answer like that- David wants to 1. find Daniel and 2. know what happened to him on June 23rd and beyond.   

Some of you Grizzlies have sent me fantastic suggestions to pass on to David, which I have honored- but I too know that he has floods of emails and messages and calls and people's names to remember, so it's not a sign of neglect or deception, but overwhelm- the man is trying his best. He needs Buckeye Police Department to attend his searches, to ignite their own humanity and care for a missing person, and to bring along equipment to help him search in the mines, water wells, and the terrain they are yet to search. This includes drones, quads, camera equipment that can access those areas and more. 

If you would be willing to remind Buckeye PD's Chief Hall that there are searches happening on Saturday 8th and 15th of January, which we hope they will attend with some expertise/equipment, please email: lhall@buckeyeaz.gov (Chief Hall). Please be respectful in your emails - we want to represent David and his search professionally and I think that us Grizzlies can maybe at least get them to bat an eyelid- because we are all observing the case from all over the world, and it would mean the world to us if we see them re-inspired to dig a little deeper in a missing geologist's case- or at least come forward with what they know happened, if that is the case. All details for the search can be found on https://pleasehelpfinddaniel.com (Safety briefing at 7.45 AM at Sun Valley Parkway & Cactus Road, search starts at 8). David needs volunteers, so if you are in the area or can make it out there, that would be amazing! He also needs volunteers to hand out flyers in his Saturday afternoon city searches, so that is also something you could help with if you are not okay with joining search parties in the desert.   


Sign the petition: https://chng.it/wNYx4HwySZ 

Donate to the GoFundMe that his daughter set up for him (and I encouraged him to raise the goal so that people understand he still needs their help): https://gofund.me/6e2d7a6f 

Buy Merch for raising funds and awareness: https://grizzly-books.creator-spring.com/listing/grizzlieslovedanielrobinson

Share this post on social media and with your friends and family. Sharing the episodes covering this case helps too!  Subscribe to the Please Help Find Daniel YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChHFXMaNbwDXSITmb9uqw5w/videos

Thank you so much for all your love and support, and with all the cases we cover on this channel. It means the world to me!   - Gisela.




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Send another before 15th. Trying to make known the