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Happy Tuesday to you! Live here later https://youtube.com/live/VatTry-mXO8?feature=share 

Oooh let's see if the jury starts deliberating today for the sentencing phase of this trial.

See you there?




Anita Gendler

Happy Tuesday! Recovering from the flu and a back problem! Thank Goodness for you G! That verdict did come quickly! ❤️🥰

Jean Panek

Wow what an intense trial! I believe Rebecca Dishman was torturing Jennifer while Fennigan was at work. I have so many questions that will probably never be answered, like what was his mother doing while two women are in the room next to hers in her home, and when her son's at work!? Her being on hospice while this is going on wouldn't a nurse have to monitor her vitals and medication etc? I can't imagine what was really going on there. Imo Dishman is just as culpable as him in the brutal torture and murder of Jennifer Paxton knowing exactly we know now about her sa babies with SF and filming it makes me ill, I am thinking of the jury and hope they know how much they are appreciated for being away from their family so long and what all they witnessed that will never leave them. They will have a long miserable existence in prison as a known child sa abuser, so I am glad she's serving a lwop +50 years sentence. I hope she doesn't get to get away with misconduct with the corrections officers anymore.