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Happy Sunday to you! I hope you're enjoying your weekend?

I will be live to discuss a crazy, potential serial killer case with you later right here: https://youtube.com/live/CZfcSCX1mq0?feature=share 

I hope to see you there!

It's been a good weekend here: we went for a swim at the Lake yesterday, we watched the football last night, had some sushi, and this morning we had a good swimming training session - sore arms, nap already had, I am ready to see you soon!





Emily Ammons

I shared this in the YT chat but I wanted to share here too in case you know of someone being abused like this. More than anything, it's the sad reality of our "healthcare" system. There are so many good workers but at the end of the day, they are businesses with really demanding shareholders. Message: If you are dealing with something like this, i highly recommend reaching out to this nonprofit here in Texas. They assigned me a pro bono lawyer to represent me against a healthcare facility licensed to operate in houston. My mother ended up there during lockdown, and they didn't have to give me access to her even though i knew she was being mistreated. This lawyer who was so kind was the only thing standing between little ole me and a massive healthcare corporation. He saved my mother's life. https://disabilityrightstx.org/en/home/

The Orphan

Sorry I .used the stream, had to get caught up on some sleep. I'll watch it tonight during storms, the perfect atmosphere