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Hey, everyone! 

I just finished and uploaded Doppelganger 10 for $5 patrons to read. : ) Starting with Doppelganger 11 next month we'll have a new series of cover images to enjoy to go with the stories. I hope everyone is enjoying Doppelganger thus far. In future issues we'll begin introducing additional characters to the story, including some new female friends for Veronica, at least one fellow sex-changing gender-bender for her to interact with, and several new male intimate partners (maybe even her first boyfriend, by the end.)

In other news, the computer monitor on which I work is crapping out on me. The colors are getting weird and there are some cracks in the inside of the screen that leave black spots that I can't get rid of. For an example of what I mean about the color, the most recent cover for Doppelganger 10 which I just released? On my screen, the lettering and the magical energy that swirls about the main character look blue. :-/ I only just found out a week or so ago that on everyone else's screens, they look purple. 

I'm looking to try and replace my existing monitor with this $179 dollar new monitor just as soon as I can come up with the funds to do so: https://www.amazon.com/LG-Computer-32UP83A-W-Compatibility-FreeSync/dp/B07PDHSVSW/?th=1 Unfortunately it might take me a while to save that sort of cash right now, so if anyone wants to pitch something in to help me produce more accurately-coloredcovers for stories in the near future, feel free to head to my Ko-Fi page (https://ko-fi.com/zoebrown) and make a small donation! I'd be very grateful. 

Finally, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and Happy Holidays to everyone! I will be working on finishing Old Hollywood 1 for the remainder of the month, and will have one more update for you before the end of the year.



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