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Hey everyone!

Sorry I forgot to send out the weekly e-mail blast yesterday :-/ I was busy working on a story and it slipped my mind. I'm setting an alarm on my smartphone so that hopefully I will remember in the future. 

I'm a bit sick this weekend (mild cold/flu), but I am also 2/3rds of the way through Venus Virus 3, which will feature the long-awaited full transformation sequence of the main character, and which will be the last of that series until some time next year. Once I complete it (early next week), I will post some interactive content for you guys (polls and q+a) and then move on to the next story in my queue for the month. I'll get to work on Doppelganger 8 shortly after the middle of the month. 

I'll send out another TG Stories Release Newsletter tomorrow. : )

I'm still soliciting donations in order to help me get through the end of the year, in case anyone is interested: https://ko-fi.com/zoebrown. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed something or joined up here on Patreon. : ) I appreciate it immensely.



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